"Tea Party", A Spinoff Political Entity In The Republican Party Of Ross Perot's 1990's Reform Party

The "Republican Party Base" has to start developing a few candidate prospects before "Donald
Trump's" 2 terms are up or we certainly will be plagued by another line up of "Fools, Idiots
And Piss Ass Rinos like the the "16" (Not Including Ben Carson) that "Donald Trump" had to
face off against in the 2015, 2016 presidential primary. Let's Get Ready For 2024.

List Of Presently Known U.S. Citizens Killed By Illegal Aliens

This All Time Mystery Is
Looked AT Realistically &
Only One Conclusion Can Be Drawn.

Could I Have Solved This All Time Mystery
Though Questions I Had?
I'm Sure You Will Be Taken In And Surprised.

I Wanted To Do This Article Since The
Communist Democrats Are Plugging Equality.
I Created This Article To Correct A Social Injustice.

Joe Biden is nobody's president. He was elected by government elites in the State
and Federal governments along with big money liberalism. The lame
idealism of the Rino libertarians in the Republcan Party are equally at fault too.

This is a must read article. It appears Joe Biden maybe
going down this path of war that Obama put into play
to get the United States into full communism

Please join these "Republican Party" social network platforms below

#1 Gettr
Donald Trump's; Gettr "Getting Together"

#2 GAB

#3 Codias

#4 Proamerica

#5 U.S.A. Life

#6 Tea Party

#7 Parler

Republican Social Web Site Ranking List Reasons

It's well known now that President Donald Trump was robbed of his second term in office by the well-maintained Democrat Party voter fraud machine. The Democrat party hangs on to California, New York, Illnois and several other states through this well oiled voter fraud machine and not by voter turnout for their candidates. This Democrat Party voter fraud machine will be activated again in this years 2022 midterm elections all over the United States and this is why the Democrats show no fear of losing The House and Senate completely. The question is will the Rinos in the Republican Party in states that had massive voter fraud happen against Donald Trump let the Communist Democrats do it again?

Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Republican Mouth Pieces That Avoid Talking About Illegal Alien Removal

New Article Coming Soon @ http://teapartymainstreet.blogspot.com/   The Republican Mouth Pieces That Avoid Talking About Immigrant Removal Because They Support Amnesty

If Republican Media Personalities Do Not Talk About Illegal Alien Removal Then They Themselves Need To Be Removed For Injustices Against U.S. Citizens

"Libertarian Republican Rinos" say there's more unfilled jobs so lets import crap loads of immigrant labor to fill them which always fails and grows massive poverty and wage suppression. The "Tea Party" and "Donald Trump" say REMOVE the immigrants which grows wages naturally through EMPLOYER DEMAND FOR EMPLOYEE'S and also lets U.S. Citizens quit the jobs they are unhappy in and find new jobs immediately without delay which always "WORKS" and is working NOW as long as many jobs go unfilled. 
If we are going to "Repair" then lets "Repair" and not just shuffle politicians around until we get lucky enough to find one politician that gets lucky themselves. Growth only through expansion of business to supply jobs is bad. Growth through an increase in U.S. Citizen financial well being is "GREAT" and creates more businesses that hire and pay more U.S. Citizens.
Written By James Allan | 10-14-2018

We learn by past mistakes and the mistake of this generation almost destroyed the Republican Party to an end that would have taken decades to reverse without civil unrest on the Republican side to rid the United States of the communism that was acquired.

The welcoming of the "Libertarians" into the Republican Party to gain votes over the democrat party during the 1960's was the destruction of Lincoln's party in the making. If you ever heard the term "Neo Con" it is referring to "Democrats That Have Turned To Conservatism" and these so called "Neo Con's" are in fact the now "Libertarian Party".

The "Libertarians" were born out of Europe and have been in the United States since the late 1800's. In the 1960's when the communist starting taking over the democrat party the so called "Neo Con's" migrated to the very small "Libertarian Party" and took it over through infiltration. The now "Libertarian Party that was consumed by the "Neo Cons" has been making an attempt to infiltrate and take over the Republican Party ever since they were invited in by William F. Buckley in the 1960's.

The center of the now "Libertarian Party" whom falsely call themselves conservatives is William F. Buckley's rag magazine the "National Review" with a gooey "Ron Paul" makeup on it that stood tall against the "Tea Party" and "Donald Trump" and still silently does. The "libertarians" took on the "conservative" tag in order to draw Republican Party votes to their phony candidates. There's very little conservatism with the "Libertarian Republican Rinos" when all they want to do is make business the new government and import immigrants to supply business with cheap labor.

Media mouth pieces of loyalty to the National Review are with the "Libertarian Party" and can turn elections in their direction if the public isn't fully aware of them. The other rag magazine "The Weekly Standard" founded by "Fox News's Parent Company: News Corp" is being run by the two hyper "Libertarian Neo Cons" "Billy (William) Kristol and Fred Barnes. In recent times a third "Rag Magazine" arose called the "Red State" founded by "Erich Erickson". Fox Business News is loaded with these "Open Borders And Amnesty" "immigrants over U.S. Citizens" libertarian Rinos. Fox News Channel has "Shepard Smith", "Chris Wallace" as two examples.

Voters always blame the politicians but without media mouthpieces the politicians cannot put their unwanted ideology into play and regenerate themselves. Always research media personalities and politicians first and never accept who's fighting for you blindly. I see this constantly with voters. A popular person will come onto the political scene and voters will go nuts for this new politician without taking any time to research what this new politician is all about because these shady politicians always have a popular media personality or two speaking for them.

Donald Trump did not have any media support when he announced his run for the presidency. Donald Trump was the choice of the "Tea Party" who pushed out any and all of the so called "Conservative Never Trump Libertarian" negative media output which forced all other media to accept Donald Trump or get attacked by the "Tea Party". After the "Tea Party" went nuts supporting Donald Trump some anchors, not all, jumped on the Trump bandwagon knowing they would get blasted if they didn't. There were a few anchors that are "Tea Party" leaning whom supported Donald Trump from the start but most were were intimidated by the "Tea  Party".

Does anyone really think that politicians will turn against the ideology they spent so long living in? Sometimes you will see a defector that has had a revelation or was just going along with it for some kind of gain but for the larger part of an ideology movement most will not go away until they are forced into a popular defeat as is happening now with the "Libertarians" right along with the "Communit Democrats".

You will hear many but not all media personalities on the Republican side say now they are for Donald Trump's "Merit Immigration" system after they were for "Open Borders" while they were attacking Donald Trump. What you don't hear from them is "Removal" of ALL illegal aliens. Of course the "Tea Party" knew the illegal alien count was up in the 30 to 40 million range and this is now proven to be correct with relative studies done. Still these "Libertarian Republican Rinos" elected, unelected and media will not talk about "Removal". Most do not talk about the "Merit Immigration" plan but some do.

I can name a couple of Fox News anchors that jumped the "libertarian" ship and now are starting to dig in on the removal of illegal aliens here in the United States. As I stated most of the really bad "Libertarian Republican Rino" anchors are on "Fox Business News" because they are business personalities themselves whom want cheap labor. "Charles Payne" and "Lou Dobbs" have always been Trump supporters and I've heard them talk about "Removal" because they know money flows better when U.S. Citizens are pumping their pockets full of bucks.

Known Fox News Channel Media Rinos: Dana Perino, Shepard Smith, Greg Gutfeld, Bret Baier, Gillian Turner, Paul Gigot, Howard Kurtz, Katie Pavlich, Chris Wallace, Mark Levin and of course, "Sean Hannity" with many Fox News Channel contributors.
Known Fox Business News Media Rinos:  Kennedy, Stuart Varney, Connell McShane, David Asman, Elizabeth MacDonald, Trish Regan, and most of their guests and Fox Business News contributors. There's other Fox Business News anchors I haven't watched enough to really state they are "Media Rinos" so they are not listed but most always give business the cheap labor they want. 

"Removal" of ALL illegal aliens is what I would like every media personality on the Republican side to talk about and push constantly until all the illegal aliens are all gone. Yes, there will have to be a systematic plan put into place for the exchange of illegal alien workers for legal immigrant workers and don't let media or politicians say it cannot be done, "FAST".

Most of the negative crap about illegal alien removal is coming from business whom, yes, is used to firing cheap illegal alien workers whom get to independent and getting a new illegal alien worker the same day for even lower wages. "NEVER ENDS!". It's the easiest function for a business to do when they can get a replacement illegal alien to replace the one they fired within hours. Why would business need a U.S. Citizen or even get involved with the training of a U.S. Citizen to make their profits with millions of illegal aliens to pick from?

If any media personalities are not talking about "Removal" of illegal aliens now and again or all the time then it should be apparent to their fan base that they have no intention of supporting illegal alien removal and will advocate for illegal aliens to be given some kind of path to legalization or citizenship. I listen to these media personalities on the Republican side all the time as everyone reading this article does and even though ongoing issues is prime talk they should be able to slip in some talk about "illegal alien removal" now and again. Some of my favorite anchors rarely mention "illegal alien removal" so my personal targets are the news anchors in the lists I provided above whom I know do support "Amnesty".

We all want the "Libertarian Republican Rinos" removed from the Republican Party but doing so will require the whipping of the media mouth pieces also through, "Turning Them Off". Sure, "Chris Wallace" has some government personalities on he interviews and we all want to see the interviews but if we all turn "Chris Wallace" off the politicians will go to other anchors because they want to be heard as much as we want to hear them.

If our media personalities don't talk about "Removal" of illegal aliens why would any Republican that cares about U.S. Citizen jobs, higher wages, United States borders and the overall well being of our country and Citizens contained within the borders watch or listen to these programs that are giving "libertarian republican rino amnesty media anchors on the above list" enough popularity in the ratings to keep these Republican "Amnesty" anchors on the air which is giving credence to issues and illegal aliens we do "Not" support?

Tea Party Main Street Home

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