"Tea Party", A Spinoff Political Entity In The Republican Party Of Ross Perot's 1990's Reform Party

The "Republican Party Base" has to start developing a few candidate prospects before "Donald
Trump's" 2 terms are up or we certainly will be plagued by another line up of "Fools, Idiots
And Piss Ass Rinos like the the "16" (Not Including Ben Carson) that "Donald Trump" had to
face off against in the 2015, 2016 presidential primary. Let's Get Ready For 2024.

List Of Presently Known U.S. Citizens Killed By Illegal Aliens

This All Time Mystery Is
Looked AT Realistically &
Only One Conclusion Can Be Drawn.

Could I Have Solved This All Time Mystery
Though Questions I Had?
I'm Sure You Will Be Taken In And Surprised.

I Wanted To Do This Article Since The
Communist Democrats Are Plugging Equality.
I Created This Article To Correct A Social Injustice.

Joe Biden is nobody's president. He was elected by government elites in the State
and Federal governments along with big money liberalism. The lame
idealism of the Rino libertarians in the Republcan Party are equally at fault too.

This is a must read article. It appears Joe Biden maybe
going down this path of war that Obama put into play
to get the United States into full communism

Please join these "Republican Party" social network platforms below

#1 Gettr
Donald Trump's; Gettr "Getting Together"

#2 GAB

#3 Codias

#4 Proamerica

#5 U.S.A. Life

#6 Tea Party

#7 Parler

Republican Social Web Site Ranking List Reasons

It's well known now that President Donald Trump was robbed of his second term in office by the well-maintained Democrat Party voter fraud machine. The Democrat party hangs on to California, New York, Illnois and several other states through this well oiled voter fraud machine and not by voter turnout for their candidates. This Democrat Party voter fraud machine will be activated again in this years 2022 midterm elections all over the United States and this is why the Democrats show no fear of losing The House and Senate completely. The question is will the Rinos in the Republican Party in states that had massive voter fraud happen against Donald Trump let the Communist Democrats do it again?

Saturday, September 8, 2018

What Did The Democrat Party Do In 8 Long Years Of Barack Obama? It Surely Didn't Pay Anyone's Bills

New Article Coming Soon @ http://teapartymainstreet.blogspot.com/

While The Blacks Were Rioting For Equality And Social Justice The Democrats Were Making Sure Only Hispanic Illegal Aliens And Muslims Could Obtain Equality And Social Justice

Written By James Allan | 9-7-2018

Obama was protecting muslims and making sure our southern border with mexico was not blocked with any barriers that would stop drugs and hoards of poverty stricken immigrants from coming into the U.S. that without any doubt expanded poverty in in certain areas of the U.S.. Poverty in certain areas has become so bad because of immigration Obama had to make an effort to spread the populations of immigrants and refugees around through "Low Cost HUD Housing".

Obama also was working on finding foreign countries that would like to manufacture goods to be imported into the U.S. so all the millions upon millions of immigrants could have some stuff paid for by the U.S. government through their tax payer funded living assistance.

Obama also was busy spending his time finding ways to take the wealth away from white people so he could give it to immigrants in an effort to create "Equality For Hispanic Immigrants Only". Funny thing about this equality? Blacks are rioting about equality then burning their towns down and their obama was giving and creating the equality for hispanics only? Kinda makes a person wonder how blacks like getting treated the same way democrats treat Republicans?

Surely the 8 long years of Barack Obama flooding the United States with millions more immigrants, legal, illegal and refugees never paid anyone's bills or debt down. U.S. Citizens need income streams they can no longer find because all the "Jack In The Box" fast food restaurants entry level jobs are filled with illegal alien employees with fake green cards. Duh!, "I Didn't Know This Employee I Hired Instead Of Your Son Or Daughter Was Illegal".

Florida and other areas of the United States are crying about their businesses not being able to find competent workers even for higher paying jobs. Well, guess what? These businesses spent decades hiring cheap immigrant labor and now there's not enough trained U.S. Citizens to fill these positions. All the entry level positions are filled with "Immigrants" and U.S. Citizens cannot get these entry level positions that will train them for the better paying jobs. "NO HOW, NO WAY IS KEEPING THE IMMIGRANTS HERE IN THE UNITED STATES NOW OR IMPORTING MORE IMMIGRANTS GOING TO BE ACCEPTABLE". Businesses depleted the United States workforce of qualified employees so they can now get off their asses and start to train and re-build the U.S. workforce they destroyed.

Tea Party Main Street Home

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