Opinion Written In Response To Article Posted On
PJ Media More Votes 'Found' in Georgia and Florida

I might not be correct on every point in this one but this type of voter fraud is happening and it's the "Holy Grail" of election fraud we have been looking for. "This Is The End Of The Search". Illegal aliens voting is a big deal but this is "Pandora's Box Opened".
Written By James Allan | 11-17-2018
Really more strange than the normal strange you would normally encounter in all the states the democrats hold and the many states the democrats had a chance to win with the many thousands of uncounted ballots mysteriously showing up after the end of the elections? When the democrats announced there would be a "Blue Wave" in this election cycle I'm coming to believe they really knew this before hand.
I looked through many published articles and found in state after state, lost election ballots were being found long after the deadline for the ballots to be valid. In every controversial election the democrats were in fear of losing, these lost ballots would appear and would be automatically included in the election counts without question. In the Ohio election for the 12th congressional district it seems 588 votes which were mostly for Republicans were found that were not suppose to be found which says the democrats are taking and injecting ballots as needed.
As happened in the widely publicized Florida Senate race between Bill Nelson and Rick Scott, Rick Scott had over a 50,000 vote lead and without notice before hand, lost ballots started showing up to be automatically counted cutting Rick Scott's lead to just 12,000 votes in just a few hours.
What stopped this rapid fall in Rick Scott's vote lead is he's still a governor and made inquiry's about it though a law enforcement investigation when his vote lead was cut to 34,000. Rick Scott's lead was cut to 12,000 by the time the investigation was able to stop the rapid fall. My feeling is if a sitting governor wasn't running for this seat the so called "Mystery Votes" would have all been counted leaving the democrat Senator Bill Nelson in his congressional seat. It was a democrat miscalculation and outright blunder pumping "Mystery Votes" into an election where a sitting governor was running for a congressional seat.
These "Mystery Ballots" have shown up in "Florida", "Georgia", "New Mexico",
Florida: Republicans Freak Out as New Ballots Threaten Florida Senate Win
Georgia: Georgia Democrats tout surprise ballots that could sink Brian Kemp's bid for governor
New Mexico: Yvette Herrell, New Mexico Republican who lost U.S. House race, seeks to impound ballots
Arizona: Trump: 'Out of the wilderness' they found a lot of votes for Sinema in Arizona
All the states listed below just have to get the "blank ballots" filled out and insert them into the vote count without having to say they found votes. They just get the phony ballots and count them up. Most or all of the government seats in these states are filled with "Communist Democrats" and they just "Do It" quietly without a whisper being heard. In all the other states they get caught and have to say they found a bag or box of votes for democrats here and there and justify it.
California only has one or two Republicans in elected office this go round. Prominent Republican counties in California are now filled with elected democrats? Oregon has an "All" mail ballot voting system and it's really a mystery as to why the state has no Republican voice? Washington state is solid democrat also and written off by the Republicans most likely because of the massive voter fraud? Illinois does elect some Republicans but they are "Libertarian Rinos" that always side with the democrats on major issues. Chicago is the major hub of the "Communist Democrats". The north east corner of the United States is swamped with "Communist Democrats" with all the government offices filled with themselves and kept that way.
The the 2011 Governors race in Connecticut had a huge bag of 335 uncounted votes found and brought in by the democrats that wanted them counted immediately when it was found out the Republican candidate was leading by 8000 votes. The "Secretary Of The State" even declared the democrat candidate the winner before the election was over with the Republican candidate still in the lead. The bag of votes found were finally publicly counted. The Republican candidate did in the end lose to the democrat who made a "Mysterious" comeback with the help of a bag of votes that were, "All Votes For Democrats". New Haven and Bridgeport are the voting fraud centers for the state. In the end the Republican candidate made such a big stink about the "Mystery Votes" many ballots were tossed out that were cast for his opponent but not enough to get him the win that was his.
Undisclosed Bag Of 335 Ballots Opened, Counted
What catches my attention about these "Mystery Votes" appearing in Connecticut is that the "Republicans" knew the democrats were manufacturing "Mystery Votes" for themselves with blank ballots to be injected into the, "Legal Already Counted Votes". Again, once the "Mystery Votes" are inserted into the "Legal Ballots" there's no way to tell which ballots are legal and illegal. There's only a receipt the voter gets to verify their vote has been counted. If there's no real voter then there's no one to call in.
An actual box of "Blank Ballots" was found in a rental car at a Florida airport. Why a rental car and not a "State Owned Vehicle"? Who rented this car? These blank ballots were most likely being flown to some super secret foreign country to be filled in because of the massive amount of ballots needed to keep that senate seat. I've heard it was 80,000 "Mystery Votes" found but have also read it was 50,000 "Mystery Votes". The 2011 Connecticut "Mystery Votes" were done at a college by activist students but with the vast amount needed for the democrats to win against Rick Scott in Florida the deed would most likely have to be done in a foreign country to keep it secret.
Brenda Snipes: Boxes Found in Rental Car at Ft. Lauderdale Airport Contained Blank Ballots
These blank ballots found at a Florida airport could certainly trigger a nationwide voter fraud investigation by the F.B.I.. Who trusts the F.B.I. anymore to be honest? Interstate and International crimes are all handled by the F.B.I and if these ballots that are printed up for a certain area and found to have been going out of the area to another state or foreign country should trigger a massive nationwide investigation of all the "Mystery Votes" in all the states.
Why hasn't law enforcement gone after this type of massive voter fraud scheme many years ago? I've read stories of blank ballots being found in an elected officials vehicle back in 2008. Nobody goes after Hillary Clinton and nobody goes after election fraud? My first guess is it's the "Judges" that get in the way of law enforcement doing their jobs. Judges getting in the way of doing what's right is a giant issue nobody wants to touch right along with the massive voter fraud and Hillary Clinton.
Ballots for U.S. elections are being printed up and taken to "Processing Plants" to be filled in by heard's of anti Republican activists or foreigners if they are flown out of the U.S.. I wonder how much the pay is to mark phony ballots? Do they get paid by the hour or per unit? What's the record on how many ballots one person can mark in one day? Do the democrats have a machine that will mark thousands upon thousands of ballots and make them look like they were all done by hand?
All in all if the legal voter turnout is as massive as it was in this 2018 midterm election the voter fraud will not work every place it was intended to work. Some of the democrat wins most likely were due to 'Healthcare" in my personal opinion. A majority of the seats the democrats won this go round was due to voter fraud without a doubt.
The democrat wins in the state of California were all due to "Voter fraud". Most of the Republicans in California are gone now and this is as strange as it gets when solid Republican districts are now being represented by democrats especially when these Republican districts all "Voted Against Sanctuary Cities" before the election. These phony ballots I can safely say were used to get rid of Republican representatives representing solid Republican congressional districts. I heard all Republican representation in the state of California is "GONE" now except for, "ONE" seat still held.
This just came in. This woman "WON" her election and the democrats added their bogus votes to the count so she would lose: GOP Elects First Korean-American, Suddenly She’s Losing to Dem Opponent (Details)
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