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P.J. Media: Brenda Snipes: Boxes Found in Rental Car at Ft. Lauderdale Airport Contained Blank Ballots

Written By James Allan | 11-15-2018
Really? The democrats have been making up ballots months ahead of the elections and filling in the little circles. You may have the thought of how do they get 80,000 ballots marked and ready to be put into play by the end of the election and I myself wonder about this also. With all the events happening in the world right now my first thought is that the blank ballots were sent out of the United States to lets say, "Honduras" and a team in this foreign country filled them out and sent them back to the United States. With all the Hollywood and Business Billionaire cash paying for this to be done it isn't out of the question.
Below is a link to the original story of the ballots found in a rental car at the airport. This is positive proof of criminal activity that should trigger an all out F.B.I. investigation into election fraud throughout all 50 states and our U.S. territories. These blank U.S. voter ballots were suppose to be flown to a foreign country, filled out then flown back to be used in U.S. elections.
From P.J. Media: Brenda Snipes: Boxes Found in Rental Car at Ft. Lauderdale Airport Contained Blank Ballots
It's kind of hard to believe that this voter fraud method the democrats have been using hasn't been discovered until now? My belief is the democrat voter fraud teams were so entrenched in winning Florida so they could install countless individuals into government offices to distort all government functions they pulled out all stops to get their candidates elected.
All these caravans of migrants coming to the United States are being paid for by a few pro immigration groups funded through the United States democrat party in their resistance posturing so it wouldn't surprise me that they are also paying for foreigners to fill out blank voting ballots to be used in United States elections. Both the migrant caravans and the filling out of the U.S. voter ballots are all part of the scheme by the United States democrat party to attack and destroy the Republican Party.
Every U.S. election in all 50 states should be questioned now as I'm sure many or all of the democrat wins surely were won or were partially won by thousands upon thousands of voter ballots filled out in foreign countries and used in United States elections mostly in democrat controlled areas where they can really get away with without anyone being the wiser.
California politicians have already complained that some of the elections that should have been won were lost because of many provisional ballots being found after the close of each election. These ballots filled out in foreign countries would be inserted with all the legal ballots that came in and once the insertion with the legal ballots was complete there's no way to tell if a ballot is "Legal" or "Illegal".
"Ballots Are Sent Overseas For Our Military" and this is most likely how the democrats "Got The Idea" to ship ballots to foreign countries to be filled out by paid teams and then ship them back to the U.S. and mix these illegal ballots in with legal ballots so there's no how, no way they could be caught.
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