This 2016 Budget Deal Is Apart Of The Rino Paul Ryans & Democrat Patti Murrays December 2013 Deal. The gang of useless 2 installs a half democrat half republican libertarian pro business and government agenda instead of a pro U.S. Citizen agenda.
You can say most of the house voted for this unread created behind closed doors "Obama Spending Bill". Only 64 true conservatives mostly Tea Party leaning house representatives voted against it. You can see most that voted against this spending package have an above 70% conservative voting record. Some with between 60% and 70% which is a questionable area.
This 2016 spending bill is just bragging rights for the libertarian business communists. It does "Nothing". This spending bill takes away revenue then tells Obama he can spend it if he borrows the money on top of what he is already borrowing. All this spending bill does is give the libertarian rino business communists bragging rights to say they wrangled some tax breaks for business out of the democrats to encourage job creation. "There Will Be No Job Creation" because it's just trickle down economics where business hires immigrants for what they are getting now and stuffs the tax breaks into their pockets.
This spending bill supplies Obama with 1.1 trillion dollars in spending so he can fund the import of more alien immigrants into the U.S. who need jobs also to go along with all the taxpayer money they will be receiving in welfare. The U.S. government will supply these immigrants with homes, food and a decent paying job. I thought this is what the liberals wanted from the U.S. government? A free house stocked with a lifetime supply of food to go along with their partime job that pays $15.00 an hour. Why are the immigrants getting all this stuff and liberals are left to survive with us conservatives?
The problem with this bill is it gives the 1.1 trillion to Obama to spend in exchange for 629 billion in tax cuts to corporations. Lets see? 629 billion in tax cuts so Obama can spend 1.1 trillion? Kinda seems like the establishment republicans are on the borrow from the Chinese bandwagon because, "WHAT'S GOING TO MAKE UP THE 629 BILLION TAKEN AWAY FROM GOVERNMENT REVENUES THAT OBAMA GETS TO SPEND"? Lets revisit this question again. OK, Obama spends 1.1 trillion and the republicans cut 629 billion. Where does Obama get the 629 billion the republicans let the corporations have that Obama gets to spend in his 1.1 trillion dollar spending package? Do the rino libertarian republicans really think manufacturing is really going to return to the U.S. in a blink of an eye to make up this difference or what? I was under the impression we are spending more than we are taking in so how the hell do you cut 629 billion in corporate tax breaks and give Obama 1.1 trillion to spend? Really, you say there are billions in program cuts the democrats gave up?
I would guess it's immigrants and corporations that made out in this round of "Screw U.S. Citizens Game Show". Corporations want immigrants for cheap labor and tax cuts so they won't be paying extra to the U.S. government for all the immigrants they want. I wonder where all those drug induced open border corporate hating liberal hippy people fit into the puzzle of getting theirs? Oh yeah, "The Drug Induced Liberal Hippy's Get Their Drugs From The Immigrants". How could this slip past my thoughts since I don't do drugs?
This budget deal for 2016 is the budget deal Paul Ryan and Patti Murray put together in 2016 that got shot down so now that Paul Ryan is in charge of congress I guess the ass whooping of U.S. citizens is going to continue.
Screw U.S. Citizens for "BRAGGING RIGHTS?". Are we really so dumb that we elected people that "Think We Are That Dumb"?
The only way to correct what our elected officials made uncorrect is to "Secure The Border And Remove The Immigrants", which will get U.S. Citizens wages higher though a "Demand For Employee's" which in return will increase U.S. Citizen spending. After this is done which will increase treasury revenues through increased U.S. citizen spending corporate tax rates can be lowered along with a plan to increase U.S based small business to manufacture any and all products in the U.S. that are being manufactured outside the U.S. by our huge U.S. based corporations. Jobs will come a flying back to the U.S. "Fast" when small businesses start popping up in the U.S. manufacturing everything that larger manufacturers are producing overseas and shipping back to the U.S.. Small businesses would receive huge tax breaks "FIRST" to get started up in this process.
Those Republicans who voted against the omnibus bill include: Reps.
Michele Bachmann (R-MN),
Kerry Bentivolio (R-MI),
Paul Broun (R-GA),
Steve Chabot (R-OH),
John Duncan (R-TN),
Phil Gingrey (R-GA),
Ralph Hall (R-TX),
Jack Kingston (R-GA),
Tom Massie (R-KY),
Stevan Pearce (R-NM), Tom Petri (R-WI),
Lee Terry (R-NE),
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