Proponents of command economies argue that they are better for achieving fair distribution and social welfare over private profit.
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Investopedia: Command Economy

How will the democrats force wages down and install price controls for their dreams of the perfect communist "Command Economy" in the United States while their voter base screams for a $15.00 an hour wage?. It's real easy to force wages down by opening the borders to any foreigner that shows up in which the democrats have already fully admitted to be doing under the guise of humanity but how are the democrats going to pay $15.00 an hour with the rapid rise of poverty pouring over the border?.
The U.S. democrat communists are all about driving cash to their communist government any way they can without losing votes. Their ongoing idea now is to jack up wages to $15.00 an hour because that's what a portion of their voter base demands. The $15.00 an hour will be taxed at a much higher rate than the minimum wage now so the democrat leadership that wants everybody to pay more taxes likes an outrageous hike in the minimum wage. Of course it's always government that benefits by sucking money out of the general population so they can piss it off on useless programs that right now support more immigration into the U.S..
The problem is a few years down the road $15.00 an hour will become a "poverty wage" that is fully "Taxed" forever on 100% of the population. Bare in mind that at this time 50% of the population that are low income earners don't pay taxes and get whatever money they pay in taxes from their paychecks back in the form of a "Tax Return". When the $15.00 becomes a poverty wage no more "tax returns" will have to be filed, "Just Money Sent To The Government Will Be Required". The democrat way is to find another way to TAX people and they found it though their own voter base demand to increase the minimum wage.
The true reality is while the democrat voter base is calling for a mandatory $15.00 an hour federal minimum wage the massive amount of foreigners let in by the democrat leadership is forcing wages down in many low income businesses. What the democrat voter base fails to understand is without price controls on products and services consumer costs will rise to meet the extra payout it takes to reach the $15.00 an hour that surely will become the future poverty wage.
Price controls that are always a failure will have to be installed on ALL products and services to balance business income to business payouts which includes the massive tax payouts to the government. This means government, "Owns All The Businesses" through wage and price control regulations. The "Command Economy" is born.
Did these tactics of wage and price controls work in "Venezuela" or in any other communist country? No, the "Venezuela" economy collapsed right before our eyes because business could not adjust prices to reflect the payouts they had to make. The communist "Venezuela" government set price controls on ALL products and services rendered and people making not to much were forced to make "Nothing" as they became unemployed. Who's going to work for "Nothing"? Low wages and massive poverty exist in communist countries unless you are part of the communist hierarchy.
If your going to regulate wages and benefits you must be able to regulate "Prices" properly or "OOPs", you economy is going to die a hard death. In a capitalistic system each individual business regulates its own "Prices" based on customer purchases and traffic. If the business has no customers they go out of business as an individual entity. In a communist environment of "Price And Wage Controls" if the government adjusts prices on "ALL" businesses to satisfy the taxation returns government needs or economy adjustments many businesses will fail at the same time which leads to flourishing poverty.
Where is the U.S. democrat party government going with government you have to ask. Where the U.S. democrat party government wants to go can be seen in what they are pushing right now. Many people judge in the now when reality is not so bad and hope is in the air but being able to see the reality of tomorrow is what the U.S. democrat party doesn't want anybody to see that is the idea of hope masking the building of the perfect global communism.
Many say full communism will never happen but in fact the U.S. is on it's way to full communism if the U.S. democrat party can kill off the "Republican Party" and the "U.S. Constitution"with false racism attacks. Europe is in partial communism with their unelected communist "Politburo" calling themselves the "European Union" whom control what, how and all by decree. The "European Union" was formed to stop wars but is now a communist entity with Russia knocking at their door with more war. Who says communist don't fight rival communists?
The attempted installation of "Wage And Price Controls" by the government is a sure sign that communism is at hand. The democrat party base wants "$15.00" an hour as their hourly wage but that will come with the raising of all consumer prices on products purchased and without price controls businesses will have to raise consumer prices to meet the their payrolls and expenditures. After a few years employees will be screaming for another "Minimum Wage Increase Because $15.00 An Hour Will Be A Poverty Wage".
Of course there has to be something in law that regulates pay because business will not properly pay their employees unless you cut off their endless pool of available employees and strangle them on labor. Business cannot be trusted as much as the democrat party cannot be trusted so a wage control has been established that doesn't work at all. Raise the minimum wage and a few years down the road it has to be raised again with no hope for an end in the poverty wage.
I surely would look at the idea of ending the minimum wage and creating a WAGE TAX the business would have to pay and would be paid out directly to the employees of the business if a panel of judges said the employees of said business were being under paid according to area market forces for a particular job in relation to business profits earned by the business. Businesses that are not making much but enough to stay open would be given some slack. Panels of judges could sit over areas because some areas are better than others and circumstances are different. There would be a clause that the judges could in fact be FIRED immediately or voted out if they get caught screwing up or dipping their fingers in any kind of fraudulent activities. Something like this could surely be worked out and be worth a look if anything.
The problem all communists have is every time the minimum wage is increased it just sets the new level for the poverty wage. Raising the minimum wage "With Or Without" "Price Controls" eventually puts the U.S. economy on the road to collapse and into a "Toilet Swirly" due to businesses raising consumer prices and cutting employee hours to keep the businesses open. The U.S. democrat communists think they are intelligent enough to use price controls properly when any country that has or are using price controls in some form or another has failed or is a failure. China and Russia mask their massive poverty.
Of course immigration factors into the democrat plan to produce their "Command Economy". The democrats can't install their "Command Economy" until they destroy the U.S. Constitution and the Republican Party. One way to do this is to flood the United States with immigrants and crash wage growth which over time creates massive poverty and increases welfare roles from declining available jobs and opportunities. As the government becomes the "Mommy And Daddy" to most U.S. Citizens handing out allowances it will be very hard to turn back to a free economy. The new $15.00 an hour wage won't stop the communist democrat takeover because it's just the new poverty wage if price controls are not installed.
Businesses that raise wages on their own is the way to go as "Amazon" and many other profitable businesses are doing to retain quality employees. Remove "Illegal Alien" labor and stress the businesses to pay higher wages on their own is the only way to go. No "Price Or Wage Controls" will be needed because business will increase wages based on their shortage of labor. No business should stay open if they have to use "Cheap Immigrant Labor" because they can't generate enough profits through sales or they want to generate higher profits because of greed with a lower payout payroll.
Sure, everyone that invests their cash into a business wants it to succeed but if the business has to use shady ways like hiring "illegal aliens" to stay open then they should just "GO AWAY!". Businesses using "illegal alien" labor are just what is referred to as, "Bad Management" with a noticeable lack of serious planning and implementation when they opened their doors for profit. Their main cry for using "illegal alien" labor is they cannot find employees but the real story is, "They Cannot Find Labor Cheap Enough To Keep Their Doors Open Or Not" so the business should just GO AWAY!.
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the Dem nothing is coming b/c Americans are waking up to see what they really want and even Dems do not want America to end. That is their ultimate plan and they start w/our kids that is where we need to also start and end the brainwashing of them; the policies they want are a disaster and many know it