Opinion Written In Response To Article Posted On
Lawyers.com: Missed My Removal Hearing in Immigration Court: Now What?
I now am under the impression this is what Donald Trump meant when he stated he was going to deport millions of illegal aliens. I was wondering how he could do this legally so I went looking.
It's true, if an illegal alien gets caught then gets a court date and doesn't show up for that court hearing the court will automatically issue an "Order Of Removal" on the illegal alien.
There's absolutely millions upon millions of illegal aliens over 4 decades and beyond that did not show up for their deportation hearings. There are 1 million that did show up for their court dates with removal orders but there are millions of "No Shows" with deportation orders on them also. You can extend your hand out your front door and grab an illegal alien that didn't show up for their court hearings they are so thick. I have many in my area.
Quote From Lawyers.com: Missing a scheduled immigration court hearing carries serious consequences, including an order of removal (deportation) from the United States.
Tea Party Main Street Home
Where can you look up people with a deportation order? Like looking up a warrant? That should be public information!