They Hid Behind The Music And Now That They Are Exposed, The Music Is Ours
They Are Not Living Up To The Music As The Tea Party Always Has
Written By James Allan | 9-17-2018
A long long time ago, well, in the decades past starting in the 1950's the hairy Beatniks of poetry jazz grew into a generation whom were setting the future stage for the music they inspired artists to create in counter culture likeness to be the music that would work against them as much as it was created to work for them.
In the 1960's the Beatniks morphed themselves into the shaggy look emulating what their appearance would be without capitalism and business in natures natural appearance. The new phrase "Hippie" was used to describe the people who referred to each other as being "Hip" like they get it and see natures call of purity and togetherness. If you were not shaggy looking and on drugs you could never be a "Hipster" who was in tune with nature and humanity. As the 1970's faded into the new 1980's "Punk Rock" era and then into the 1990's "Gangster Rap" era the hippie era faded into the past but their generation of protest music was still an enjoyable listening pleasure.
The music that once was the "Dog Whistle" to the a 1960's generation of peace activists and anti business protesters has become the "Dog Whistle" against the people whom the music once was for. The hippie movement may have faded into a section of history but the hippies themselves remained although they be old and gray and full of communism they kept well hidden as the venue to take down what their music was the call to be against.
When the hippies revealed their communism due to the intelligence and prodding of the "Tea Party" the music they were once so proud of became the music that now is the call of unity to the political forces against them.
Most news pundits will call this new age of people wanting government control, "Socialism" but in reality it's just the old hippie generation whom have made their way up into positions of authority trying to achieve their glorified society of the perfect "communism". This means the music that was created in the hippie generation as their battle cry was just a cover to hide their true intentions of transforming a capitalist government into their version of communism.
History does show that whenever a physical war would arise against a communist nation making an attempt to conquer a non communist nation through an internal coo or even hostile takeover the United States hippies would also arise with protests against capitalism trying to protect the non communist nations from spread of communism into their countries and around the world.
Back in the 1960's and 1970's it was the hippies or what was technically named the "Counter Culture" who were fighting tooth and nail to halt the spread of business and capitalism. Their only goal was to unite the world by any means necessary even if it was under evil communism. The hippy thought is to avoid war and embrace the communist evil that will become the distribution network for humanity. Their logical thought is that once everyone is united under the communist evil they could force people to merge into one loving family of nature and have a government that distributes property evenly ending anyone's wealth that is above another's.
Now that its been found out that these hippies have evolved themselves into the authority positions in business and government they hate while having taken over the democrat party we have to note that these hippie types are everything the music created in their era was against. Now we the "Tea Party" have unmasked the hippie communism and the music that once belonged to the hippies belongs to us as roles have been reversed and the false "Counter Culture" of the 1970's has been revealed.
In the past it was the hippies against "Libertarian Republican Rino" business that inspired the music. In this present day it's the "Tea Party" against the "Communist Hippies Of Yesteryear" whom have aged but are still present and now we use the music they inspired against them. We the "Tea Party" now own their music. If the liberals are embracing communism over capitalism and "NOT" living up to the music then the music belongs to the "Tea Party" whom are living up to the music and always have done so.
In ending, "Business" and "Communism" will NEVER own or control us again. The "Tea Party" is set to keep realistic people in control of the United States and NOT some warped fringe ideology that's born out of someones social loss or corporate control over a world government.
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