"Communist democrat politicians" just keep hauling in more immigrants to keep the black U.S. population in poverty with very few jobs causing "Poor Black Men To Turn To Crime For Expendable Income".
Opinion Written In Response To The Article Posted On
The Root: Why We Never Talk About Black-on-Black Crime: An Answer to White America’s Most Pressing Question

The democrats have spewed and built so much hatred against white men for no good reason just for votes. In the black communities as it appears in these videos that much of that hatred instilled in them by the democrats is being shown in unnecessary violent beatings by many racist blacks.
A Hobby Article Written By James Allan | 9-16-2019
There has to be an explanation as to why black U.S. Citizens are being allowed to commit mass murder crimes against one another. The problem with answering this question is finding the factual answer of why it is being allowed. All these criminal acts of blacks killing blacks is ongoing in towns and cities run by democrat party minded individual mayors, city supervisors and councils. There has to be an ultimate motive behind city and town elected officials letting mass murder within each race and against the same race go on?
The F.B.I database shows in 2016 that 90.1% of black homicides were committed by other blacks but also 83.5% of white homicides were committed by other whites. There are more black on black murders than white on white murders as shown by the stats. Police killing unarmed criminals is higher on the white side than black. Basically, All gang and mentally ill mass murders that contribute to these stats are committed in areas dominated and run by democrat party elected representatives.
I researched mass murders by gun and all of these events continually happen in democrat party dominated areas they represent without question. Maybe some of these democrat voters should evaluate the real reason why they make sure their doors are locked at night and going out for evening events isn't high on their lists.
Most black U.S. Citizen males and females do NOT engage in violent behavior even though many are racist towards white people and project this racism through promoting black power. Racism plays a big role with many blacks because of democrat party indoctrination to keep them on the plantation but not all. Racist blacks mostly refrain from violence on the whole and only show their racism by ignoring what they perceive to be "White" while promoting their black power.
It looks like most black U.S. Citizens have been trained by the democrat communist party to see the Republican party as "White" which explains why black U.S. Citizen Republicans are seen as, "Uncle Toms". Most of the black U.S. Citizens I have been acquainted with over my lifetime just want to be seen as, "U.S. Citizens" without the "Black" tag. All the other blacks I've come in contact with just look at me sternly and walk away with the mindset that I as a white person am out to tower over them because I don't look like them. Many racist whites will do this with their towering personalities against blacks but the reverse is true also with racist blacks making an effort to tower over whites.
It appears with "White Mass Murders" one disgruntled mentally ill person grabs a weapon on his suicide run and heads to a crowded gathering place and kills as many people as possible targeting or not targeting race knowing he will die also. In rare cases there's two suicidal killers that team up. Some get caught alive but most do succeed in accomplishing their suicide through self infliction, by cop or citizen concealed or open carry. These whites committing mass murders are ALL mentally ill and the suicide that happens to them proves mental illness is the only contributing factor in the killings. Of course whites do many single individual murders but those are mostly issues over money and domestic violence.
With "Black Mass Murderers" it's usually gang related killings. Blacks go the rout of "Tribalism" and form "criminal gangs" whom fight over illegal drug selling territory. These mass murders the black gangs are committing have been cycling from one generation to another for so long that getting shot has become their "Medal Of Honor". Young black U.S. Citizens that grow up in these gang areas actually dream of entering a "Tribal Gang" and establishing their social family in the established "Criminal Society". There's many non racist black U.S. Citizens that want out of these areas but are stuck in them.
It looks like most black U.S. Citizens have been trained by the democrat communist party to see the Republican party as "White" which explains why black U.S. Citizen Republicans are seen as, "Uncle Toms". Most of the black U.S. Citizens I have been acquainted with over my lifetime just want to be seen as, "U.S. Citizens" without the "Black" tag. All the other blacks I've come in contact with just look at me sternly and walk away with the mindset that I as a white person am out to tower over them because I don't look like them. Many racist whites will do this with their towering personalities against blacks but the reverse is true also with racist blacks making an effort to tower over whites.
It appears with "White Mass Murders" one disgruntled mentally ill person grabs a weapon on his suicide run and heads to a crowded gathering place and kills as many people as possible targeting or not targeting race knowing he will die also. In rare cases there's two suicidal killers that team up. Some get caught alive but most do succeed in accomplishing their suicide through self infliction, by cop or citizen concealed or open carry. These whites committing mass murders are ALL mentally ill and the suicide that happens to them proves mental illness is the only contributing factor in the killings. Of course whites do many single individual murders but those are mostly issues over money and domestic violence.
With "Black Mass Murderers" it's usually gang related killings. Blacks go the rout of "Tribalism" and form "criminal gangs" whom fight over illegal drug selling territory. These mass murders the black gangs are committing have been cycling from one generation to another for so long that getting shot has become their "Medal Of Honor". Young black U.S. Citizens that grow up in these gang areas actually dream of entering a "Tribal Gang" and establishing their social family in the established "Criminal Society". There's many non racist black U.S. Citizens that want out of these areas but are stuck in them.
This article isn't meant to evaluate black and white social issues but only to put forth a question that popped into my inquiring mind about why the "U.S. democrat communist party" ignores all the violence in black U.S. Citizen dominated community areas while projecting racial unity as they actively create racial division? The mass murders the whites are doing is always put forth as an issue by the democrats but the black killing of blacks never gets addressed and always is written off as the effects of white supremacy.
This questions I have has to be looked at because most of these "black U.S. Citizen dominated community areas" have the most toughest gun control laws in the United States and the shootings still are ongoing just as much as if their were NO gun control laws. The democrats will always preach the guns in Chicago are coming from neighboring Republican states but we all know most of the guns are "Stolen" and there's a huge market for these stolen guns in Chicago.
This questions I have has to be looked at because most of these "black U.S. Citizen dominated community areas" have the most toughest gun control laws in the United States and the shootings still are ongoing just as much as if their were NO gun control laws. The democrats will always preach the guns in Chicago are coming from neighboring Republican states but we all know most of the guns are "Stolen" and there's a huge market for these stolen guns in Chicago.
As the title of this article is labeled, "What's The Reason?"
* "Are The Democrat Party Controlled Towns And Cities Purposely Letting Blacks Kill Blacks And Whites Kill Whites So They Can Justify Taking Guns Away From U.S. Citizens?".
* "Are The Democrat Party Controlled Towns And Cities Purposely Letting Blacks Kill Blacks And Whites Kill Whites So They Can Justify Taking Guns Away From U.S. Citizens?".
* "Is The Democrat Party Controlled Towns And Cities Purposely Keeping Black Community Areas In Poverty By Allowing Major Criminal Activity To Keep Business From Creating Good Jobs".
* "Are The Mayors Of Democrat Controlled Towns And Cities Letting Blacks Kill Each Other To Keep An Explosive Crime Rate From Happening Thinking If Blacks Don't Kill Each Other Off There Will Be More Blacks Committing Crimes?"
* "Do The Democrats Think That Black U.S. Citizens Are One Trick Ponies And Except For Many, Most Can't Make The Adjustment Into A Capitalistic Society Out Of There Own Self Made Black Tribal Society Living Off Welfare?"
What really sparks my interest in this subject of black on black mass murder is that every time black against black crime happens, "Whites Get Blamed For It By Democrat Whites". Once in awhile I'll hear a communist black blame whites as being the reason for crime against blacks (I Don't Watch CNN or MSNBC) which in truth is just more black on black crime. For the most part it's "democrat communist whites blaming whites for black on black crime then the blacks call the police racist for trying to stop black on black crime". No one ever talks about all the whites getting killed each year by other whites as a whole across the U.S. or how many unarmed whites get killed by police officers which is many more than blacks.
To get off subject a bit I'm wondering what the "communist democrat leadership" is going to do when police officers summoned to illegal events against them are slow to show up or get sidetracked to another serious event in progress. I don't expect the "communist democrat leadership" realizes that a trained police officer can get a job anywhere in the United States right now with or without negative marks on their record because there is such a major shortage of law enforcement officers in all democrat controlled towns and cities. I'm sure the "communist democrat party leadership" can find the police officers they need to protect them whom won't run into gun fire just like the officer at the "Parkland Florida" shooting didn't.
Communism is the ultimate form of welfare and the democrat party exploding consumer prices and creating huge areas of welfare poverty that lack a healthy cash flow is what fuels these black gangs to kill each other over drug territories in my own opinion. This has been going on for decades.
I had no intention of exploding anyone's indoctrinated train of thought with this article. Poverty is the leading reason why these areas of black mass murders are occurring and the absolute truth is until the crime is removed the areas will stay forever in poverty. Sure, prisons are filled with black U.S. Citizens whom have committed crimes and this is a sad story. Black men and women are always forming activist groups denouncing white men and police for filling prisons up with "Guilty Black Men".
These "communist democrat politicians" NEVER tell these black U.S. Citizens the truth. These "communist democrat politicians" just keep hauling in more immigrants to keep the black U.S. population in poverty with very few jobs causing "Poor Black Men To Turn To Crime For Expendable Income".
There's a "Vicious Circle Of Life" going on within these high poverty black communities and the "vicious circle of life" is,
"Poor Black Men In These Poverty Stricken Areas Turn To Crime To Put Expendable Income Into Their Pockets And The Crime They Commit Keeps Businesses From Opening Up Creating An Environment Where Young Black Men Can't Find Decent Jobs Forcing Them To Turn To Crime For Expendable Income And After Decades The Areas Get Filled With Career Criminals To No End Causing Extreme Hardships For Businesses Who Have To Hire Employees That Are Career Criminals Robbing Them From Inside And Out".
The constant removal of ALL criminals out of these areas with "Vicious Circles Of Life" would generate new areas of growing incomes and prosperity. It may take many years for the healing to be complete but in communities that are predominately white the police haul any criminal away without riots breaking out and crying mommas saying their sons who just committed a major crime are good innocent boys. Law Enforcement keeps the predominately white areas flush with decent incomes.
"Donald Trump" and "Ben Carson" had to create "Opportunity Areas" in these areas of "Vicious Circles Of Life" to encourage businesses to return even when the high crime rates still exist. The communist democrats are just managing the existing "Vicious Circles Of Life" to their advantage and keeping the "Vicious Circles Of Life" HEALTHY for plantation votes instead of making better whats gone bad in these poverty stricken areas of crime.
Communism is the ultimate form of welfare and the democrat party exploding consumer prices and creating huge areas of welfare poverty that lack a healthy cash flow is what fuels these black gangs to kill each other over drug territories in my own opinion. This has been going on for decades.
I had no intention of exploding anyone's indoctrinated train of thought with this article. Poverty is the leading reason why these areas of black mass murders are occurring and the absolute truth is until the crime is removed the areas will stay forever in poverty. Sure, prisons are filled with black U.S. Citizens whom have committed crimes and this is a sad story. Black men and women are always forming activist groups denouncing white men and police for filling prisons up with "Guilty Black Men".
These "communist democrat politicians" NEVER tell these black U.S. Citizens the truth. These "communist democrat politicians" just keep hauling in more immigrants to keep the black U.S. population in poverty with very few jobs causing "Poor Black Men To Turn To Crime For Expendable Income".
There's a "Vicious Circle Of Life" going on within these high poverty black communities and the "vicious circle of life" is,
"Poor Black Men In These Poverty Stricken Areas Turn To Crime To Put Expendable Income Into Their Pockets And The Crime They Commit Keeps Businesses From Opening Up Creating An Environment Where Young Black Men Can't Find Decent Jobs Forcing Them To Turn To Crime For Expendable Income And After Decades The Areas Get Filled With Career Criminals To No End Causing Extreme Hardships For Businesses Who Have To Hire Employees That Are Career Criminals Robbing Them From Inside And Out".
The constant removal of ALL criminals out of these areas with "Vicious Circles Of Life" would generate new areas of growing incomes and prosperity. It may take many years for the healing to be complete but in communities that are predominately white the police haul any criminal away without riots breaking out and crying mommas saying their sons who just committed a major crime are good innocent boys. Law Enforcement keeps the predominately white areas flush with decent incomes.
"Donald Trump" and "Ben Carson" had to create "Opportunity Areas" in these areas of "Vicious Circles Of Life" to encourage businesses to return even when the high crime rates still exist. The communist democrats are just managing the existing "Vicious Circles Of Life" to their advantage and keeping the "Vicious Circles Of Life" HEALTHY for plantation votes instead of making better whats gone bad in these poverty stricken areas of crime.
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