The communist democrats have captured main stream media and the internet so is it surprising that they can appear in public and lie to no end then get plenty of votes and even win elections after they have been caught operating many major corruption scandals?
Opinion Written In Response To The Article Posted On
OpenSecrets.com: Internet Background - "Favors Democrats"
The Federalist: How To Keep Your Online Browsing Unfiltered By Political Propaganda

Nobody has to give heavy thought as to who owns the internet and it isn't the "World Wide Web". Of course, It's the U.S. democrat party whos cyberclops have been starting up and purchasing all the most popular internet web sites. "America Online (AOL)" was the first really popular internet build for the democrat cyberclops in the early 1990's and in the same time period Main Stream Media execs. were finding pure communists to take their place when they were ready to step down.
OK, here's some well known web sites we frequently visit, socialize, search and shop on so if you need to give them some heavy thought as to if they are democrat cyberclop web sites then do so because the United States is a free country until the cyberclops finish with their reconstruction effort of your thoughts and how you see their communism before you actually get to live in it.
U.S. Based Search Engines
The few notes I want to enter is with all these popular liberal communist democrat run internet entities is they all have and have had very serious failures either technical or with business issues because they appear to be more concerned about their communist social ideologies gaining traction and suppressing the Republican voice over hiring competent personal whom may be Republicans that will keep the company failures from happening. Most liberal companies have failures all the time which are covered up by the massive amounts of cash they haul in.
All of the entity's on this list are internet based. If your imagination is working properly it may be able to grasp the huge amount communist democrat "brick & mortar" shops and news sites also. The democrats are suppose to be for the people but they own most business entities who don't care about people and whom mostly hire liberals, illegal aliens who work for less pay and a few Republicans that keep their mouths shut.
These liberal cyberclops do in fact create internet entities but when it comes down to running them massive failures occur. I always learned you hire the best without any discrimination but these cyberclop democrats concentrate on hiring - democrats only - which is horrific discrimination on a scale not seen since the democrat party was suppressing blacks under their Jim Crow laws.Google - Democrat - Run by 2 people. Larry Page is a liberal U.S. born cyberclop democrat who stayed the hell away from politics when he ran Google and Google prospered because of his non political stance. He stepped down a few years ago to let his naturalized immigrant cyberclop partner "Sergey Brin" run it. "Sergey Brin" jumped right into the middle of the U.S. political machine on the democrat side and created all kinds of hardships for Google and harmed the internet company's good reputation to the point of no return.
The U.S. government is now ready to break up and regulate Google because of their meddling in the political arena. Even the democrats who "Sergey Brin" identifies with are afraid of Google's immense control over political messages. I use Google as my primary search engine because it's still the best search engine among all the liberal and - next to none conservative search engines -.
The "Google Plus" social media site I so enjoyed was destroyed by their incompetent biased liberal Google cyberclop employees who wrote bad code that was hacked very easily. These cyberclop internet entities make it a mission to only hire liberal democrats of the same mindset. The hired employees who wrote the bad code most likely were more concerned about communist democrat ideology then protecting the code they wrote from failure. I can't believe Google with all it's experience let this happen?
a. Ask.com is powered by Google
b. Startpage.com is powered by Google
Bing (Microsoft) - Democrat - Microsoft is staffed by ALL liberal cyberclops in exec positions that support the democrat party. Microsoft has managed to keep themselves in second place behind Google only because the other internet companies below them are more liberals who are worse then them. Microsoft completely destroyed their "Internet Explorer" search engine and their newer "Internet Edge" search engine. "I tried internet Edge and it stunk to high heavens". Microsoft failures are far worse than Googles.
a. Yahoo is powered by Bing
b. Excite is powered by Bing
c. Hotbot is powered by Bing
d. Qwant is powered by Bing
e. Swisscows is powered by Bing
f. WebCrawler is powered by Bing
g. Ecosia is powered by Bing
Firefox - Democrat - Even though one of the founders is "Tea Party" the main founding execs. of "Firefox" are liberal cyberclop democrats who supported obama. I used "Firefox" for a short period of time and didn't care for it. Google was still king of the browsers. "Firefox" has since then replaced their old browser script with a much better script in 2017. I have not tried the newer 2017 updated "Firefox" yet.
It was clear "Firefox" was democrat when their CEO donated $1000 to promote "California's Proposition 8" which was "Marriage Was Only Between A Man And A Woman" and the Mozilla company fired him. Conservatives went nuts trying to move the users of "Firefox" to other browsing venues. Firefox is an "Open Source" venue that people can contribute to. Many users of "Firefox" are huge fans of "Open Source" browsers.
Yahoo - Democrat - In 2018 Yahoo became, "Powered By Bing (Microsoft)". Staffed and managed by liberal loony cyberclops who ran this internet company into the ground several years ago. Verizon purchased the company in 2017 because Yahoo was destroyed with a lessened value. Liberals always populate on places where conservatives hang out but Yahoo is the exception where conservatives hardly went. People who use Yahoo were mostly liberal democrats. Many popular internet services Yahoo owned were destroyed by their looney cyberclop management along with Yahoo itself. Many of these defunct Yahoo internet services are still around but most likely can never be brought back to the popularity they once enjoyed.
America Online (AOL) - Democrat - Once the Queen of the new 1990's internet is now just an afterthought of the 1990's. A once self owned company in 1991 was sold to "Time Warner" and is now owned by "Verizon". Verizon is using "AOL" for their customers so there may be a possibility of a comeback if the cyberclops are removed. The liberal cyberclops made this their first take down of a magnificent company they built. Who uses "AOL" at this time, NOT MANY, just Verizon phone customers for mail.
Lycos - Democrat - Another darling of the 1990's started in 1994 during the early years of the internet is now just a shell sold to a South Korean company. Lycos was the 4th most popular web site from 1999 to 2001. Hell, "Lycos" was a sponsor on "Jimmie Johnson's" rookie car. The liberal cyberclops sold this U.S. icon off to the Koreans who turned it into an entertainment disaster. Now Lycos is owned by an India marketing company.
DuckDuckGo - Republican - This is suppose to be a Republican leaning search engine platform that many do use now because of their stance on strict privacy. The problem with "DuckDuckGo" is of course their name. If a stupid name was the goal to attract users then they failed. "DuckDuckGo" has no toys for its users to play with like social media, blogs, forums or tools. I use "DuckDuckGo" now and again and just put up with their name.
Safe Search - Republican - "Norton Safe Search" doesn't have any toys either like social media, blogs, forums and tools. "Norton Safe Search" is safe. I have one Google Article Blog that is seen by the "Norton Product" to be questionable and produces an inquiry notice before you can enter it. Really pisses me off!
U.S. Social Media Platforms
Social Media platforms are privately owned and most try to cater to the past growing popularity of "liberalism" which is an ideology that was not fully known during the obama years and before. In today's time we all know now that the past unknown liberalism is just a mask for the underlying communism. Liberal democrats do like "Communes" which is a smaller version and short for, "communism".
Facebook - Democrat - No research necessary because public perception of the Facebook cyberclops is that they are clearly staffed by communist cyberclops. The "Facebook Cyberclops" have proven time and time again that they don't want Republican social interaction and do their best to "Block" Republican Ads and "Individual Republican Base Voters".
The Facebook cyberclops are now using their anti spam tools to block Republican voters from posting to the many groups they have joined. You can only post to 5 groups now before their algorithm will stop you from posting to any group that's not yours for several days and when you are able to post again and go over the 5 groups the days you are banned from posting to groups you belong to will grow. I'm surely on their "ban list".
Instagram - owned by Facebook
Whatsapp - owned by Facebook
Oculus VR - owned by Facebook - BAD!
Collects ALL the information
shared by Facebook members
Masquerade - owned by Facebook - BAD!
Collects ALL photos and videos
shared by Facebook members
Twitter - Democrat - If shadow banning is the season then Republican base voters are the reason to stop GOP communication. Doesn't matter the rhyme or reason if you are a Republican they don't like then you get shadow banned which is in their year around season.
Periscope - owned by Twitter
Pinterest - Democrat - A great photo sharing social media company that took down "Photobucket" but why did they shadow ban me? Maybe because of my political leanings? I guess their ideology is more important then "Freedom" of speech and individual thoughts we've come to like. I really like Pinterest too.
Tumblr - Yahoo Owned - Democrat - The founder is a really "left communist leaning democrat" who sold Tumblr for 1.1 billion to Yahoo. If "Ocasio Cortez" was queen he'd be bowing in hopes she happens. Now Yahoo powered by Bing owns this internet entity and as liberal communist politics go so does Tumblr. I haven't been on Tumblr for awhile. Last time I was there all I was reading were posts slamming the Republicans.
Reddit - Democrat - Finding GOP values on this social media entity isn't impossible but if there were none Reddit management would be grateful with immense pleasure. This site is played up big time but in reality it's a horde of communist liberal cyberclops that drive away any Republican minded site users with their baseless ideology of government run poverty for everyone.
Wordpress - Democrat - They take down the blogs and stories that are not appealing to their group think of globalization and mass immigration that go against their belief. Having a blog that appeals to their opposition political belief may get shadow banned or completely banned.
Medium - Democrat - This is an article platform for writers and it's filled with nothing but anti "Donald Trump" and Republican articles. I joined this site and posted 3 pro "Donald Trump" articles and a few days later I was notified by email my account was suspended. :) I realized the site was nothing but a gaggle of communist liberals but posted on it for kicks. I also replied to a post and told the author she missed the whole point of what she was writing about.
Freedom Works - Libertarian - If your anti illegal alien and the site administrators or moderators catch on to your "No Amnesty And Alien Removal" stance you may get banned as I did. Your not wanted on this site if you don't accept illegal aliens in the U.S. and argue for their removal.
Tea Party Community - libertarian - This site is a nest of libertarians falsely displaying and using the "Tea Party" flag to get donations and draw influence to the libertarian supported cause of "Open Borders And Amnesty". I was actually socializing on this site when they started to ban people who wanted ALL illegal aliens deported. I talked to many good Republicans who were banned for being anti illegal alien to the point I thought the site was filled with democrats. No democrats, "Just RINO libertarians" Finally they got around to banning me for writing an article that was anti illegal alien.
Tea Party Patriots - libertarian - defunct social media site after they were found out to be libertarian - Tea Party Patriots Endorse "Libertarian Ted Cruz" Over "Tea Party Supported Donald Trump" - The "Tea Party Patriots" are still around but only as a symbol of how the libertarian party tried to steal the "Republican Party Base Tea Party Movement" using the "Tea Party People" as their vehicle to full on libertarianism. The libertarians got into media sources and touted the "Tea Party" movement as their exalted leader "Ron Paul's" long lost protests. The reality is the "Tea Party People" are ALL supporters from the mid 1990's "Ross Perot Reform Party" that went dormant for 8 years and came back to life when they found out taxes were going to be raised if the socialist "obama" was elected to the presidency.
U.S. Based Internet Only Marketplaces
Amazon - Democrat - The Republican Party does get some donations from Amazon but most of the Amazon contributions go to the democrat party. Amazon usually donates 70% more cash to the democrats over want they donate to the Republicans.
It's well known that Amazon is democrat leaning even though they are doing better in a Republican economy.
Ebay - Democrat - The Republican Party does get some donations from Ebay but most of the Ebay contributions go to the democrat party. Ebay usually donates 50% more cash to the democrats over want the donate to the Republicans.
When the Republican "Meg Whitman" was CEO of Ebay, Ebay blasted off into a marketplace that was vibrant for everyone even though the Ebay founder was a democrat cyberclop. After "Meg" left with her billion dollars Ebay fell into disarray with a new CEO whom raised the selling fees and started kicking small and unpopular sellers off through higher costs like all democrats like to do.
When there bottom line was hurt after doing the evil that they did to sellers they had to give away "50 Free Items A Month" which worked. To finance the 50 free items a month Ebay tacked on an "11% Final Value Fee" and started to charge the Final Value Fee on any money collected for shipping. If a package cost lets say, "$15.00" to ship Ebay will collect about $1.36 of the $15.00.
Etsy - Democrat - Etsy has never contributed to the Republican party. All of their contributions go to the democrats. Etsy deems itself and its handmade products as a form of political activism against the rise of corporate consumer capitalism.
Jet - Owned By Walmart - Republican Leaning - Walmart was contribution heavy to the Republican party up until 2006. From 2006 until now Walmart contributes almost as much to the democrats as they do to the Republicans. The Republicans may get up to 12% more contributions than the democrats so the split is almost down the middle.
Overstock - Republican leaning - From 2000 to 2004 "Overstock" donations were heavy to the democrat party. From 2006 to 2018 their donations were heavy to Republicans by as much as 90% to the Republicans over the democrats.
Wayfair - Democrat leaning - Up until 2016 "Wayfair's" political donations were 95% to the democrat party. In 2018 a turn was taken and the Republican Party received 70% of "Wayfair's" donations? Maybe "Wayfair" saw the light of "Donald Trump" or something? I will still call "Wayfair" a democrat company until they prove themselves not to be over the years.
Craigslist - Democrat - The Republicans have NEVER received any donations at all ever from "Craigslist". The democrats get any and all donations from "Craigslist".
Wish.com - Unknown? - Wish.com is a huge online only retailer but I can't find any data on it.
U.S. Based Internet Only News Agencies
The democrats out number the Republican news agencies on the internet. In the past before the U.S. Congress got involved with internet issues when I did a search on an issue the first and second pages of search results usually came back with ALL democrat online and main stream media news outlets. I had to type the news agency name into the search box along side the issue title line to get a Republican article. It's really bad! Once in a great while I get a "Fox News" article showing up on the first or second page but this is a rarity.
The "Washington Examiner", "Wall Street Journal", "Politico" and "The Hill" appear frequently in search results on the front two pages now only due to all the hoopla in congress about regulating internet entities. "The Hill" and "Politico" are more libertarian Rino news agencies.
The Final Countdown
All the popular internet entities that make the web work are mostly democrat leaning and out to crush the Republican voice. The Republican congress MUST step in and impose regulations that will let the popularity of web sites, pages and personalities be a natural event instead of the "communist democrat" pick and chose mindset.
There's many "search engines", "social platforms", "news agencies" and "marketplaces" positioned on the internet with the vast majority of them owned and operated by the democrat ideology. Our poor Republican dimwits were blind to this and any Republican politicians left in congress that are NOT trying to fix this dilemma must be gotten rid of. No matter how much the thought of "Mitch McConnell's" story, "We Need Popularity To Win" is appealing to you, "It Is A Flawed Mindset" that has helped lead the Republican Party onto the path of its destruction before "Donald Trump" stepped to the plate for a second time in his life.
I really don't like slamming the Republican party because I surely am a stanch Republican Party member and voter but when it comes to internet presence the "Rino Republican Party" is a "Nut Sack Bag Between The Legs Of A Howl'in Democrat Cyberclop Donkey" and they put themselves in this position which means we the "NON LIBERTARIAN" Republican Party voters are there too and this is NOT acceptable!
The "Rino Republican Party" leadership before "Donald Trump" was nothing but a system of, "We Will Wait For Democrat Failure To Win" instead of, "Lets Keep Up On Current Trends To Develop Ourselves Into A Governing Entity That All U.S. Citizens Will Prosper With". The "Rino Republican Party" libertarian leadership dips their heads in a vat of easy entitlement for elected representatives and let communism grow without a fight.
The "libertarian republican RINOS" whom I'm talking about in the above paragraph really drove the Republican Party into a ditch before the electable president "Donald Trump" came to be. If "Cruz", "Bush", "Kasich", "Rubio" or any of those other 2016 RINO presidential candidates had won, the Republican Party would have been finished as this pressure being exerted from the democrat party onto "Donald Trump" would have brought the "RINO" Republican president to his knees.
In ending this article, it's clear the democrat party has captured the internet through the ignorance of wealthy Republicans who live in the past and refused to embrace this new technology called the internet in the 1990's and beyond as the democrats did embrace it. The democrats made it a race to create a dominate presence on the internet and the Republicans sat in the bleachers watching the race when they were supposed to be the competition.
Because the democrat "cyberclops" dominate "Main Stream Media" and the "Internet" they now can boldly lie openly about anything and step on us while still getting a whoop arse amount of votes. This has to change and our "NON LIBERTARIAN RINO" wealthy Republicans better get off their ignorant arses and build us a group coalition of big money to buy into some maximum internet popularity where we the Republican voters can thrive.
These wealthy Republicans are NOT going to pick some smooth talk'in dipchits they can control to be our elected officials anymore who steer vast amounts of cash to them. Our wealthy Republicans can start up some popular internet properties for Republican voters as Facebook is to the democrats to rake in their cash.
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