"Tea Party", A Spinoff Political Entity In The Republican Party Of Ross Perot's 1990's Reform Party

The "Republican Party Base" has to start developing a few candidate prospects before "Donald
Trump's" 2 terms are up or we certainly will be plagued by another line up of "Fools, Idiots
And Piss Ass Rinos like the the "16" (Not Including Ben Carson) that "Donald Trump" had to
face off against in the 2015, 2016 presidential primary. Let's Get Ready For 2024.

List Of Presently Known U.S. Citizens Killed By Illegal Aliens

This All Time Mystery Is
Looked AT Realistically &
Only One Conclusion Can Be Drawn.

Could I Have Solved This All Time Mystery
Though Questions I Had?
I'm Sure You Will Be Taken In And Surprised.

I Wanted To Do This Article Since The
Communist Democrats Are Plugging Equality.
I Created This Article To Correct A Social Injustice.

Joe Biden is nobody's president. He was elected by government elites in the State
and Federal governments along with big money liberalism. The lame
idealism of the Rino libertarians in the Republcan Party are equally at fault too.

This is a must read article. It appears Joe Biden maybe
going down this path of war that Obama put into play
to get the United States into full communism

Please join these "Republican Party" social network platforms below

#1 Gettr
Donald Trump's; Gettr "Getting Together"

#2 GAB

#3 Codias

#4 Proamerica

#5 U.S.A. Life

#6 Tea Party

#7 Parler

Republican Social Web Site Ranking List Reasons

It's well known now that President Donald Trump was robbed of his second term in office by the well-maintained Democrat Party voter fraud machine. The Democrat party hangs on to California, New York, Illnois and several other states through this well oiled voter fraud machine and not by voter turnout for their candidates. This Democrat Party voter fraud machine will be activated again in this years 2022 midterm elections all over the United States and this is why the Democrats show no fear of losing The House and Senate completely. The question is will the Rinos in the Republican Party in states that had massive voter fraud happen against Donald Trump let the Communist Democrats do it again?

Friday, September 8, 2017

Tucker Carlson Interviews Mill Valley California Mayor Who Implies All Illegal Aliens In Prison Belong To The U.S.A.

What Percentage Of California's Prison Population Is "Illegal Aliens"?

Written By James Allan | 9-8-2017

"Tucker asked this woman mayor  9-7-2017 "Why Doesn't California Deport Illegal Aliens That Are in And Went To Prison To Relieve California Prison Overcrowding" and basically all she said is, "We Don't Deport Any Illegal Alien" and we prefer to "Rehabilitate Them" so they can become good U.S. Citizens. Tucker asked her several times the same question as he always does when interviewing one of these communist democrats and always her reply was to avoid answering it and reverting to talking points that favor keeping illegal aliens no matter if they were criminal or law abiding. Yes, California is releasing convicts back onto U.S. streets after released from prison and they flee to other states under different names. 

Tucker asked her what percentage of California's state prison population were illegal aliens and immigrants? She refused to answer that question also reverting back to her talking points favoring all illegal aliens criminal and law abiding staying in the U.S. never to deported like the U.S. owns any immigrant that walks onto U.S. soil.
I'm asking all the readers of this article to share it and get the percentage number of "U.S. Citizens to Illegal Aliens in California Prisons"  to Tucker Carlson so he can broadcast it to us.  
This California mayor is from Mill Valley a wealthy area just north of San Francisco and she appeared to not even have any empathy for U.S. Citizens who are not progressive democrat communists. Control the world attitude is this mayors only solution as is all San Francisco politician mindsets are.

Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions and Homeland Security has expanded their illegal alien detainer rules from a "Single Detainer" to a "Blanket Detainer" for any illegal alien convicted of a crime and sent to jail or prison but I am seeing that the states do not have to comply legally with any detainer single or blanket.

Article: ICE Updates Its Detainer Rules  

I've watched Trucker interview many of these communist democrats and they are so anti U.S. Citizen it just can't be seen as reality that they are but as reality sets in the truth that they are real moves the normal U.S. Citizen from Science Fiction to the monster is sitting on my doorstep.

Most U.S. Citizens sit back and wonder why the U.S. government never serves it's citizens well and the underlying causes are finally being emerged in the sunlight where all can see the truth. These anti U.S. politicians sneak in with the false promises of what people want to gain their trust and votes then govern under a communist ideology of world domination taken piece by piece as Venezuela just fell after all their citizens guns were taken away in 2012.

All in all if you don't see this reality all you do is have to look at who the democrats fight the hardest for. The communist democrats fight as hard as they can for, "Illegal Aliens" and to keep the borders open for more foreigners to walk over it as they please. Do the democrats ever fight this hard for U.S. Citizens? The answer is "Never". The communist democrats talk "Jobs" and more "Jobs" but that's all it is, "TALK" to get elected. During Barack Obama's presidency nothing was ever done for U.S. citizens. All the democrats did during Barack Obama's presidency concerned foreigners and doing what they could do to convert the U.S. economy into a "Government Pays All" system.

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