I vape no nicotine ejuice and I vape as much or as less as I want without any nicotine addiction dictating to me when to puff
Nicotine in ejuice needs to be banned and I support this fully. I'm the first to mention it. I haven't heard anyone else mention it so I must be the first. The first step in honoring the rights of adults to vape if they choose and slow down or stop children from vaping is to stop the addiction and get rid of the nicotine in vape juice.
Opinion Written In Response To The Article Posted On
Food Babe: The Differences Between Artificial Flavors, Natural Flavors, Organic Flavors and Other Added Flavors

I installed the link above to the "Food Babe" flavoring page that explains all about the flavorings used in the United States food supply. These food flavorings are the same that are being used in ejuice vaping products. This is how vaping began. Someone in china who was familiar with food flavorings decided to save his father from tobacco and created an electronic vaping device for him.
In order for any flavoring to be effective it has to be attached to a binder of some kind so it mixes into the product well. In food and pharmaceuticals, the chemical compound "Propylene Glycol (PG)" is used by the barrels and we eat and drink it on a daily basis. It was found out that "Propylene Glycol (PG)" burns well as an inhalant so the mixing of flavorings into a base that burns well to be inhaled was the correct marriage to an electronic vaporizing device.
"Vegetable Glycerin (VG)" is also used and is an all natural base extracted from plants, fruits and flowers. "Vegetable Glycerin (VG) is used in most of the same applications as "Propylene Glycol (PG)". The difference between (PG) and (VG) is, "PG" is a chemical compound and "VG" is a natural extract. (VG) creates huge amounts of clouds but clogs your wick faster whereas (PG) is better for normal everyday vaping and it doesn't clog your wick that much.
Flavorings of all sorts are used in E-Juice to achieve the desired taste and this may be a problem depending on if the flavorings are derived from a plant or chemical source. I have not been able to find enough information on flavorings produced for Electronic Cigarettes as of yet except on Wikipedia. I have found information stating some of the chemical manufactured flavorings used in E-Juices are most likely a safety concern. Natural extract flavorings are most likely safe.
E-Juices are regulated by the FDA but the regulations have never been enforced until now. The problem with the flavorings is they can be chemically made and these chemicals are harmful to you over time. Flavorings that are naturally made should only be allowed. If you pick an E-Juice that is produced outside the U.S. you may be inhaling a chemically made flavoring that will eventually harm you.
There's a large issue going on right now about children vaping and the harm that is being cast upon them by their ability to gain access to unhealthy vaping products easily. Guess what? This is a similar problem that's been around since humans first crawled out of the sea onto land. Children getting their hands on cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, pornography and marijuana has been a forever problem of parents with no end. Sure, parents will argue they don't want another unholy vice their children can get ahold of but stomping on the rights of adults to keep the vice out of their children's hands just isn't an option.
Banning harmless vaping by adults just to stop kids from vaping isn't the answer. It's better for children to vape harmless natural flavorings if they manage to gain access to them than to have access to bad underground and black market vape juice as well as smoking unhealthy tobacco. Hey, if children are able to get ahold of vaping products the vaping products may as well be clean and the least harmful to ones health. I too want "Chemical Manufactured Flavorings" banned. The "Natural And Organic Manufactured Flavorings" are harmless and SHOULD NOT BE BANNED.
The problem with "Natural Flavoring Extracts" is they are only being made in "VG". I have never tried "VG" alone. The "VG" mix I did use at one time clogged my wick to no end so I quit using it and found an all "PG" I was content with. .
Here's a small sampling of web sites that peddle flavored ejuice that is produced through natural organic extractions and NOT with "Man Made Chemicals". All price reviews are based on 30ml bottles. These natural and organic vape juice sites were chosen at random.
1. EC Blend VG only - Extremely Affordable Prices
2. Real Organic Vapors.com VG only - High End Prices
3. Vapors 4 Life VG only - Super High End Prices
4. Lucy's Vapor Pens VG only - Super High End Prices
5. The Clean Vape VG only - Medium Prices
6. Velvet Cloud VG only - Medium Prices
7. Vapor DNA VG only - Medium Prices
8. Vape Mov.com VG only - High End Prices
9. Vape Junkiee Juice VG only - Wholesale Affordable Prices
10. Kind Juice VG only - Super High End Prices
There's idiots out in the public arena that will take their daily crap then go out amongst the population shouting that they have the absolute right to harm themselves in anyway possible. I actually run into these personalities on social media. I can't see a democrat saying they have any rights since they elect communists so these "People Can Kill Themselves Without Pride" personalities must be "libertarians". Sure, I believe U.S. Citizens have many rights also but what these people miss is "Business Has No Rights At All". The owner of a business has a right to start a business but the business only has the rights given to it by government. Businesses have NO right to sell products that will unknowingly harm the human whom has the right to kill him/her self with it.
I found this passage in the article link I posted to "Food Babe" under the pic at the top. This "FEMA" group that decides which food flavors stay and which ones go also dictate the flavors of vaping. This really fry's my bacon that a private agency put together and funded by the "Flavoring Industry" is saying what flavorings stay and which ones go. Many flavorings are taken out of production by this group most likely due to an overwhelming short term health risk but if there's no short term health risk a little payola could be given so approvals will happen to flavoring with long term health risks which is looking to be the case playing out now. This is "Scary!".
Quote From Food Babe Artilce: The fox is guarding the hen house. You see, a governmental or independent agency does not approve or oversee the safety of the food flavors. Instead, a flavor industry trade group, the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA), has assembled their own “independent” panel of scientists who review and approve new flavors as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). These scientists are paid by the FEMA trade group (who ultimately get their funding from flavor companies).
* Nicotine in ejuice needs to be banned and I support this fully. I'm the first to mention it. I haven't heard anyone else mention it so I must be the first. The first step in honoring the rights of adults to vape if they choose and slow down or stop children from vaping is to stop the addiction and get rid of the nicotine in vape juice. All these idiots that spout how they have a right to use nicotine will find each other and go into vape groups and forums attacking anyone that doesn't go along with their warped group think. They really will verbally beat you up but so far I'm the one that beats them up only because I write articles alot as a hobby.
* Vaping flavorings that are natural extracts from fruits, vegetables, meats and other natural sources are not that bad on your health. If a vape company can make a bubble gum flavor out of whatever natural food or plant source that has grown out of the soil then so be it.
* Vaping flavorings that are created from man made chemicals need to be and should be banned. These chemical produced flavorings carry the chemicals used to make them into events of many chemical reactions when burned that are inhaled into the lung.
I only want the flavors and vaping to be as "Safe" as it can be. My suggestion about dealing with the teen vaping epidemic is to ban ALL ejuice with nicotine. I vape no nicotine ejuice and I vape as much or as less as I want without any nicotine addiction dictating to me when to puff. I'd like to positively know that when I get into the mood to vape some strawberry juice it will NOT affect me negatively as I head into old age. I don't care about flavorings that are made through chemical reactions so I do support banning these chemical created flavors.

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Tea Party Main Street Home
Nice post!
ReplyDeleteDo you have any interests in vaping? For beginner, some vapers who are not interested in DIY or just lack of time, a pod system vape would be a great choice. Here is the introduction of some good pod systems on the market.
I've been vaping for two years, and Yuoto vape and the vaporesso box mod are two of my favorites