Scientists Get Their Funding From Private Donations Through Universities Mostly Which Glues Them To Their Democrat Party Donors Ideology Beliefs.
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PBS Learning Media: NOVA | Climate Change in Djibouti
If You Want To Know All There Is To Know About Climate Change Click The Above Link And Watch This Short PBS Video. The Climate Change And Global Warming The "Democrat Party" Is Pushing Is FAKE NEWS designed to scare and attract votes

When referring to climate change what is really meant? Climate change can be talked about as a change over from hot to cold or vice versa but can also be talked about sarcastically as a change in how one see's the world around them. Is the talk about climate change "Code Talk" for changing the social mentality of the U.S.? Is "Al Gore" a genius for creating a code main stream news can use to secretly relay nationwide messages to certain handpicked democrat leaders of democrat followers or just a dumb oaf?
WoW! "Ocasio Cortez" spews mouth waste about how cow farts are destroying nature but doesn't realize every time she starts speaking hot air escapes from between her jaws raising outside air temperatures 4 degrees which is much worse than cow farts.
Climate change is here! Our now summers are going to be cold and our now winters are going to be hot. The oceans are going to warm up causing the earth to freeze. The climate as we know it now will be a frenzy of ice bergs sinking ships and hot pools of liquids starting forest fires. Scientists will be predicting mass immigration is a fact of climate change or the U.S. debt is growing because government is being restricted from spending trillions of dollars on climate change depending on which scientist you ask.
A "mental climate change" of thought can happen also. Many mental health professionals can't see "mental climate change" of thought because they are inflicted by a mental state that can hold information but cannot compute the information into reality. Only when a democrat realizes the world of ideology they live in is false and fake can they have a climate change of thought.
The ambiance inside the democrat mind is in many cases distorted by the falsehoods put into the mind by undesirable characters with promises of free cash and political prominence in exchange for accepting and spreading around democrat falsehoods. Lets say for example a political party like the democrats are pushing "Climate Change" as an issue of human created weather alterations but the facts are all made up and many people wrap themselves around these false facts in order to achieve a political outcome for themselves. This would mean the climate in ones mind is in the negative and some more "mental climate change" would be needed to change a persons thoughts back to a realistic mindset away from the false facts that are exposed and the lying cheats they really are.
Now the democrats will say the Republicans have initiated "mental climate change" in an attempt to project what the democrats are doing onto the Republicans. The democrats will frame this attempt as Republicans swaying dumb deplorable people into not accepting the democrat version of "Weather Climate Change" from human activities that is altering weather patterns. The truth is "Climate Change" has always existed as a fact of natural occurrences outside the spectrum of human activity and the Republicans voice their opinion in the positive on this.
There may be some sickness happening due to human advances but it doesn't cause any climate change that alters weather patterns and the advances always end up prolonging life and alleviating the sickness. Humans may not get around to fixing the sickness fast enough but they eventually create cures and healing because the sickness spurs on what is beneficial to future human and animal life.
Climate change can only occur when the wobbling planet earth wobbles itself into a different axis angle. As the planet earth spins it also wobbles and slowly over thousands of years the earth is moving its axis angle and the axis angle is what changes weather patterns. The democrats know this and decided to toss in "Global Warming" along with death and destruction to scare the world enough to support democrat candidates. This is how god awful the democrat party has become.
As told in this video "Climate Change In Djibouti" the same goes for southern Nevada. Southern Nevada used to be a huge range of lakes and waterways (In the Triassic period 260 to 66 million years ago after the ocean receded) then when the tilt of the earth happened natural climate change happened also and all the lakes dried up due to excessive summer heat long before humans existed here. I say here because I live inside an ancient Nevada lake and have found water fossil organism impressions in calcium deposits in my back yard. There are places on Earth that are dried out but there's many places where it rains alot creating new lakes unless the rain is pouring in the ocean.
The fact of the matter is way back millions of years ago volcano's were spitting out hot lava, ash and chemical reactions were happening all over the planet earth creating a toxic environment no human could ever live in and then "Climate Change" came allowing life to thrive. Natural climate change spews out life all over the planet and it's the communist, dictators and the U.S. democrat party that kill the life that has been created.
When looking at life that is lost either human or animal but should not have been lost the only place you have to look as to who is at fault is the place where a United States democrat voter or politician resides, works, gathers and plays.
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