This old picture claims "46.2" million U.S. Citizens are living in poverty. Today's "Progressive Communist Democrats" are now claiming a full 25% of the U.S. population lives in poverty which amounts to 80 million people. One thing is clear that with all these millions of U.S. Citizens living in poverty the "U.S. Democrat" party is still flooding the U.S. with immigrants whom are poverty stricken as well.
Opinion Written In Response To Article Posted On
Forbes: America's Real Economy: It Isn't Booming

First of all the "United States Communist Democrat Party" is all about "Global Communism" run through a global government which would be the building of the "United Nations" into this role. Bringing down the financial wealth of United States citizens is their goal so the world populations will be more financially equal. Hell, these "United States Communist Democrats" already have their wealth so no problem with killing everyone else's wealth and taking control of the U.S. Treasury.
Even the poorest of our poor in the United States know when many more people show up there's less opportunity to find that cushy spot and opportunity in the U.S. economy for gain because there's many more people competing for the same cushy economic spots and financial gains. So why do we have the United democrat party preaching as their platform tag line for the up and coming 2020 presidential election, "The Economy Doesn't Work For Everyone" while they flood the United States with massive amounts of immigrants that stop the economy from working properly and keeping many from finding their financial cushy spot?
In my opinion when the democrats preach the line, "The Economy Doesn't Work For Everyone" they are including the poor worldwide. They are flooding the United States with massive amounts of immigrants to make their tag line become a reality among other lines they use to manipulate thought into their false utopia. I keep hearing the democrats state that the economy is working for 75% of the U.S. population but not for the other 25%. Of course if the democrats keep flooding the United States with immigrants the economy isn't going to work for everyone. The more immigrants that flow into the United States unrestricted the larger the percentage of U.S. Citizens will have the economy fail for them. In another 10 years you may hear the economy doesn't work for 40% of the U.S. population.
So there's around 320 million U.S. Citizens. If the economy is working for 240 million people in the United States and not for the last 80 million why would anyone come up with an economic plan to destroy the financial stability of the 240 million people the economy does work for and flood the United States with millions upon millions of poor and educated immigrant people from all over the world that creates financial loss for the people the economy is working for?
If the United States is looking to improve foreign countries why in the hell are we letting U.S. based industry actively bring into the United States educated foreigners who would improve the economy's of their home countries? The United States can compete with foreign countries without any problem if foreign born educated workers stay in their home countries. U.S. Citizens would rise to fill all the skilled positions needed if learning platforms were created that were "LOW COST". Education expenses today are out of control and this has been proven. If foreigners wanted to come to the United States it would be because they feel a bond with U.S. Citizens and not just for economic reasons.
Of course the democrats will say it's "Racism" that's keeping black and brown people down in the United States as they intentionally brown up the country while they preach about the "Racism" of white people. Of course the "Black Power Racists (Blacks That Hate White People)" will cry out that it's "White People" whom are trying to stop the browning of the U.S. but in reality it's the "Black Power Racists" trying to destroy "White People" by intentionally browning up the United States through massive illegal immigration.
There are indeed United States "Black and Brown Communists" working in the immigrants home countries. These United States communists are operating in foreign countries with the permission of the socialist governments and sending to the United States poverty stricken immigrants out to destroy the financial mobility of white people. The "Black and Brown" communists don't want black and brown U.S. citizens to join in with the financial mobility of white people but instead destroy the financial mobility of white people. The democrats have to play up to the "Black Power Racists" to get their votes or watch their push to install global communism die in a quick death.
Ending world wars and conflict with the United States democrat party isn't a matter of freeing people into an economy where they can produce a decent living for themselves but instead it's combining all free and communist nations into a no borders "Global Communist" planet. One global government under a chosen few that lays down the laws in which all world populations follow. Each country would become a "State" under a global communist government.
The democrat party is focusing on the so called racial minorities, gays and women as being the ones the economy doesn't work for but another "fact of the matter" is it's the democrat party that's keeping the economy from working for the so called racial minorities, gays and women by flooding the United States with more economic migrants so the economy isn't going to work for racial minorities, gays and women for the purpose of achieving an economy that, "Doesn't Work For Everyone".
The 2 basic rules of economics is when the supply of labor is greater than the demand for said labor wages go down. When the supply of product is lower than demand for said products prices go up. Flooding the United States with all these immigrants is putting these two rules of economics as I wrote them into play. These rules apply to "Consumer Goods", "Housing", "Hospitals", "Gasoline", "Electricity", Government Fees" and all else a person gets "Billed" for. If you are one or many persons whom would like to see your wages go up and prices go down stop the flood of immigrants into the United States and remove the ones that are already in the United States which is the proper move for any U.S. Citizens financial well being.
If your one of those liberal democrats reading this then go help foreigners, "IN THEIR COUNTRIES" because in the end your going to turn the United States into the corrupt countries all these immigrants are coming from. If these foreign corrupt countries were not corrupt you would see thousands of white people from all over the world migrant to these countries which would improve the financial conditions and lives of all the people whom want to migrant to the United States in their home countries.
Another "False" statement that democrats make is that "Immigration Creates New Economic Growth For U.S. Citizens In The Way Of Higher Wages And Many New Employment Opportunities". I'm wondering why after all these decades since the 1950's no wage growth or a better job opportunity market hasn't emerged? Instead the only growth has been in the poverty and welfare arena with a greater income gap between the rich and poor. The worse the poverty and income gap gets in the United States the more the democrats push for a greater amount of unrestricted immigration? This push for greater immigration during an economic collapse is really out of the reality norm for any healthy mental state of mind.
U.S. Citizens went through 8 years of of Barack Obama promising jobs he knew were never to come. Obama was seen as the president of hope and change but in reality he was the president of poverty and despair even more so than Jimmy Carter. Just think of it carefully if you are a democrat reading this and just don't get it, "Barack Obama Could Have Done The Exact Same Things Donald Trump Is Doing Successfully Now To Create Massive Amounts Of Jobs And Wage Growth" but he did not".
During both of Barack Obama's elections all everyone heard is "Jobs", "Jobs" and more "Jobs" from Obama. Everyone thinks the line "You Can Keep Your Doctor" when the democrats passed Obamacare was the lie of the century but it wasn't. The "Jobs", "Jobs" and more "Jobs" election line is one of the all time political lies that will be timeless.
Hell, most people thought the economic boom was coming with some intense drive that would pump endless amounts of cash into everyone's pockets with Barack Obama's promise of endless "JOBS" and economic prosperity. Even the people that kept saying "The Economy Doesn't Work For Everyone" were under the impression, "God Bama" came down from the heavens to save humanity. Looks like all those people preaching "The Economy Doesn't Work For Everyone" should get on the "Trump Train". Of course they won't get on the "Trump Train" which only proves beyond a reasonable doubt that poverty was being created intentionally.
What really happened during the 8 long years of the Obama presidency is as the democrat poverty stricken base were crying, "Income Inequality" the same democrat party elites were pumping the United States full of "Immigrants" legal and illegal driving down wages "Right After The Economic Housing Collapse Of 2008" caused by the past democrat president, "Bill Clinton". Yes "Bill Clinton" did cause the 2008 economic collapse by giving home loans to the massive amounts of "ILLEGAL ALIENS" that were coming into the United States by crossing the border illegally or overstaying their visas. Then when the Republicans took back the presidency under Bush the economy collapsed. "True"
The reason why the economy collapsed towards the end of President Bush's reign is that, "You And Me" the "Tea Party" started pressuring Bush to get rid of illegal aliens even though Bush was a "Libertarian Republican Rino" who wanted open borders and amnesty for cheap labor. When Bush started getting rid of the illegal aliens it was found out that thousands upon thousands illegal aliens had home loans from the Bill Clinton presidency and beyond. Bush "Never" tried to change the law banning home loans to illegal aliens that Bill Clinton installed because he never listened to some voices in his cabinet who stated this was happening. Because Bush "Never" changed the home loan law, when the illegal aliens started to be removed from the United States the "Economic Housing Collapse Of 2008" happened. Because Bush was a useless "Libertarian Republican Rino" president that didn't do his job of finding out home loans to illegal aliens was ruining the U.S. economy he cut his own throat with his own chinese made knife.
The democrats are trying feverishly to get back to prominence in the United States through, "The Same Failed Communist Ways" they deployed during Barack Obama's two terms. The democrats have no choice since their communism has been exposed. In 2016 I really thought Hillary Clinton would be preaching "Jobs", "Jobs" and more "Jobs" but she didn't. I guess she could imagine what life for her would be like in the White House if jobs never came back in her term after Obama preached "Jobs", "Jobs" and more "Jobs" that never happened. The democrats are now trying to blend the jobs that "Never Came" in Obama's presidency with the jobs that are being produced in Donald Trump's presidency. Obama did create many new government, social welfare and fast food jobs that serviced the massive growing poverty in the United States but no jobs that would support a single unmarried person without government assistance. Donald Trump is putting the Obama years job creation to a shame. Donald Trump is producing jobs with "Pay" instead of Obama jobs servicing poverty.
We all know "Alexandria Ocasio Cortez" and many other democrats are some of those people the economy shouldn't have really worked well for because of their lack of intellectual prowess but the economy does work for them and their lack of brain matter. So what's up with the democrat party "Economy" tag line that the "Economy Isn't Working For Everyone"? when the leadership of the democrat party if being run by "People The Economy Shouldn't Have Worked For"? The fact of the matter is if you don't "Read And Study" and get it right NOTHING will work for you unless you are a democrat that wants to live in a state of "Government Run Poverty" and get politicians elected to create an economy where poverty and welfare is the "Crown Of Thorns" upon the heads of the people who can provide for themselves.
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