Opinion Written In Response To Article Posted On
Lifezette: Florida AG Pam Bondi Order FDLE To Investigate Broward And Palm Beach County Elections
Please Mister President, Donald Trump, your Republican Party Base really needs you to pick another social media platform to cast your messages on. Just as long as the platform is Republican run with a business constitution that demands a true Republican always be put into the CEO position when one steps down. The business constitution must also demand all executives and business staff be of the Republican Party mindset. "Libertarian Republican Rinos" do not count as being eligible to pilot a Republican Party social media platform.
I'm still waiting for "Infinity SN" to appear but I guess it failed before it was opened to traffic. There's a few small Republican social media websites with the oldest one I know of being the "Tea Party Command Center". "The Tea Party Command Center" has very few to no people posting on it. It has about 50,000 members but no one posts anymore. "The Tea Party Command Center" is overhauling the web site and has a ways to go on it.
Many news anchors and congressional personalities keep trying to prompt you to post messages on the "Parler" social media platform. A few popular personalities are invested in "Parler" now and you posting on it would fill their pockets. I ever read "Don Jr." is a member and may be invested in it.
"Gab" with its CEO "Andrew Torba" started up in 2016 as an alternative to the liberal social media platforms.
"Codias" it looks like is taking the lead in members. I don't know but it just seems more active with people following me. I read "Cody M. Brown" started "Codias" in 2016 as a big push to attract Republicans who were getting harassed on liberal social media platforms.
"Tea Party Community" and "Freedom Works" are nothing but libertarian bastions of evil to trick the Republican Party into giving them donations and political support.
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