The truth and reality is, "The United States Assisted The Kurdish With Information And Technical Issues Only So The Kurd's Could Use Their Own Ground Troops To Take Back Their Land From ISIS. Donald Trump made the correct move pulling our boys out of harms way.
Opinion Written In Response To The Article Posted On
Fox News: Trump's Syria pullout a 'disaster,' allowing Turkey to 'wipe out' America's Kurdish ally

Of course the U.S. wanted to kill ISIS and that's a given. Are the Syrian Kurd's an ally of the United States, "Yes". But as usual the "libertarian republican RINOS" are spinning the facts to meet what they deem to be a purpose and to create negativity against "Donald Trump". The RINOS need to GO AWAY! because as it always is the "communist democrats" are jumping on board the RINO issue spin to put "Donald Trump" in a box.
The fact of the matter concerning the "Syrian Kurd's" is ISIS invaded and controlled most of the land that the Kurd's considered to be there's. The Kurd's were pushed up against the Turkish border where ISIS was still attacking the Kurd's. The Kurd's needed the United States to come into Syria and help them kill ISIS.
The "libertarian Republican Rinos" are spinning the now situation of "Turkey" invading Syria into "Donald Trump" abandoning our Kurdish ally's that fought and died helping us kill ISIS. The absolute truth is, "The United States Went Into Syria To Help The Kurdish TAKE BACK THEIR LAND FROM ISIS" and NOT the way the Rino's state. The "United States", "French" and "British" ally's that went into Syria had no intention of ever staying there in a WWIII with Turkey.
Of course we wanted to kill ISIS but invading a third middle east country created a big political stink that was greater than ISIS. The United States would have never gone into Syria without a coalition. The United States did not have any huge army in Syria because the deal was set that if the United States and the coalition came in the, "Kurdish Would Fight The Fight Against ISIS" and the United States would just direct and assist with information and technical issues without inserting U.S. ground troops.
The United States went into Syria to HELP the Kurdish people take back their own land. There was a big political stink about the United States ever going into Syria after we killed ISIS in Iraq. The only reason the United States decided to go into Syria was the "British" and "French" were going in with us and the Kurds were going to do the fighting to take their land back.
Turkey has been a good ally of the United States until the Turkish people elected the "Muslim Erdogan" in 2014. Since Erdogan was elected Turkey has turned more towards sharia law and throwing Turkey out of NATO and attacking them is seen by many as the way to go. The "Kurdish" are more compatible with the U.S. and both people's follow similar cultures and this is the only reason why many U.S. war hawks want to attack Turkey in defense of the Kurds. Erdogan in some far speculation of mine was elected because of "barack obama's" unrelenting support of radical islam and sharia law during his presidency. I'm still under the impression obama had his own personal presidential prayer rug.
There was and never has been any, "The Kurdish Fought Alongside Of The U.S. And We Owe Them". The truth and reality is, "The United States Assisted The Kurdish With Information And Technical Issues Only So The Kurd's Could Use Their Own Ground Troops To Take Back Their Land From ISIS". It really makes a difference at how you view "Donald Trump's" pull back of U.S. troops away from Turkey's army when you look at why the U.S. went into Syria and what our role was.
"Donald Trump" made the absolutely correct move pulling our boys out of harms way and staying out of the skirmish. This is why Republicans should always avoid electing a "libertarian republican rino" like all 3 of the "Georgie Jeb Bush's". They just mess situations up so damn bad it,s unreal. "Lindsey Graham", "Ted Cruz", "Marco Rubio" and many of the other libertarian rinos need to be GONE!
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