Was The U.S. Constitution Written For Immigrants? "NO!". The U.S. Constitution Was Written To Protect U.S. Citizens From Monopoly Governments That Form From Wealth, Power And Group Think Whom Will Always Suppress Ordinary U.S. Citizens To Grow Their Authority.
The U.S. Constitution Addresses Immigration Though One Line, "To Establish A Uniform Rule of Naturalization" Which Can Only Mean , "Legal Immigration ONLY"!
The States Controlled Immigration Until 1876 And The One Line In The U.S. Constitution Concerning "Naturalization" Kept The States From Allowing Mass Uncontrollable Cheap Labor Immigration As Some Are Doing Today Even Though Slavery Was Ongoing And Considered "Illegal Immigration". The "Naturalization" Line Was Never Enforced As "Clinton", "Bush" and "Obama" Did Not Enforce Immigration Laws.
Opinion Written In Response To The Article Posted On
The Heritage Foundation: Undocumented Immigrant Is A Made Up Term That Ignores The Law

I've always pondered the question, "Are Illegal Aliens Considered Foreign Entities The U.S. "Supreme Court" Has Ruled City And State Officials Are Not Suppose To Be Dealing With". Only the federal government is allowed to deal with other countries and set foreign policy so what about immigrants in the United States?
The people illegally in the U.S. that are native to foreign countries are suppose to be under the direct supervision of the federal government so why are states being allowed to hand out welfare, put illegals in government positions, let illegals vote, give illegal aliens driver licenses and create sanctuary cities to protect illegal aliens?
Sure, it's a state responsibility to deal with driver licenses but the states CANNOT give driver licenses to illegal aliens because illegal aliens and legal immigrants are suppose to be solely a "Federal Responsibility". This is a question that needs to be answered.
Here's what I found on the immigration issue concerning the U.S. Constitution:
The 10th Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Two Paragraphs Copy/Pasted From: Institute On The Constitution; The word “immigration” does not appear in the U.S. Constitution or any of its Amendments. Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 does read, “… To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, …”. The 14th Amendment, Section 1 addresses the protection of “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,…” which extended citizenship through the States to the former slaves. The rules of immigration were reserved to the States through the 10th Amendment until the first Federal law was enacted in 1875. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the following year that immigration regulation was an exclusive Federal responsibility. Congress established the Immigration Service in 1891, which was the first time the Federal government took an active role. Congress enacted additional quota systems after World War I in the years 1921 and 1924. The laws remained largely unchanged until the passage of the “The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.” Changes to admittance were made again in 1976 and 1978. “The Immigration Act of 1990″ added a category of admission based on diversity and increased the worldwide immigration ceiling.
Other changes came through the introduction of new categories of immigration and citizenship with the resettlement of refugees after World War II. “The Refugee Act of 1980” allowed the President the authority to admit refugees on an annual basis, in consultation with Congress in response to United Nations protocols in 1967 and 1969, derived from the 1951 United Nations Refugee Convention. This new legislation was the first time that our country used international standards and definitions for our immigration policies. “The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986” addressed unauthorized immigration creating two amnesty programs “legalizing” about 2.7 million people who illegally entered the country. Because illegal immigration remained a problem, “The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996” was passed to provide greater controls on the borders and reduced benefits. The last change occurred with “The Homeland Security Act of 2002” which now has consolidated authority for border protection, naturalization, customs and immigration.The "United States Constitution" ONLY states the United States must have a "Uniform Rule Of Naturalization". This does NOT mean open borders and endless immigration along with a mandatory pathway to citizenship. It means that if a person from a foreign country applies for citizenship there will be a law that will naturalize said person if said person is accepted under set laws for immigration and citizenship created by the U.S. Congress. The federal government has the right to limit how many immigrants get into the U.S. and are granted citizenship. This is a clarity that has been distorted over the decades by businesses yelling for cheap labor through mountains of donations to politicians elected through phony campaign speeches.
The "United States Constitution" does not allow open borders and amnesty to anyone that walks across the border. The job of open borders and amnesty is a function of congress. The U.S. Constitution sets the rule of legal immigration ONLY through a pathway of "Naturalization" in a "One Line Sentence", "To Establish A Uniform Rule Of Naturalization" This "one line" sentence says, "Legal Immigration ONLY" making illegal immigration, "UNCONSTITUTIONAL". Any other interpretation allowing illegal immigration is false and just an interpretation based on ones political belief.
The democrats always use the line written on the "Statue Of Liberty" to make their case of unlimited immigration and many U.S. Citizens are herded into this "Statue Of Liberty" line, " "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore". The democrats steer people away from the U.S. Constitution passage saying immigration must be through a "Passage Of Naturalization" to the lines written on the "Statue Of Liberty".
The Final Conclusion: Up until 1876 immigration was handled by the states most likely due to slavery which was abolished in 1865 when the north won freedom for the slaves through the "Civil War". Slavery was an ongoing hauling in of immigrants for cheap labor in southern states that the Northern states wanted stopped.
When the U.S. Constitution was written only 1 control line was entered into it about immigration that covers ALL immigration in a nut shell. I just do NOT believe that the framers of the U.S. Constitution would not have put some kind of controls in it concerning the slaves in which were immigrants. In 1876 the federal government started enacting laws that overrode any state laws after the Supreme Court ruled immigration was an exclusive power of the federal government.
What is factually happening with illegal aliens in the United States at this time is a past "Supreme Court" has given the federal government broad authority over all immigration but only if the federal government enacts specific laws prohibiting what an illegal alien can and cannot have in the United States. The states can enact their own laws concerning what an illegal alien can and cannot have but if a federal law is enacted concerning what an illegal alien can and cannot have the said federal law will suppress and override the state law.
Even though the states were in control of immigration up until 1876 the United States federal government had to have their finger on the immigration issue to keep the states from bringing in immigrants for their own personal business. The passage in the "U.S. Constitution" that states, "The Federal Government Must Establish A Uniform Rule Of Naturalization" in fact means all immigration allowed by the states must be legal and the U.S. Constitution holds the states in a legal, "Check" that enforces the U.S. Constitutional passage of, "A Uniform Rule Of Naturalization".
This is what some communist democrat run states are doing. They are going through federal law carefully and creating laws on what illegal aliens can and cannot have that the federal government hasn't touched upon. The federal government hasn't created any laws restricting illegal aliens from having drivers licenses so some states enacted their own laws granting drivers licenses to illegal aliens. Even though drivers licenses are solely a state power anthing to do with illegal aliens is NOT a state power if the federal government enacts a law prohibiting immigrants from having anything. If the federal government passed a law denying drivers licenses to illegal aliens it would override the state law granting illegal aliens drivers licenses.
Thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens are getting welfare amongst other public entitlements federal law prohibits them from getting. These violations are being allowed by the "communist democrats" and "libertarian republican rinos" when they gain or collaborate full voting power through both political entities in state and federal congresses and executive branches.
These "communist democrats" were collaborating with and giving the "libertarian republican RINOS" something they badly wanted and vise versa in exchange to kill or ignore some laws concerning illegal aliens. "Libertarian republican RINOS" like their illegal aliens also. Keeping "libertarians" out of elected office would reduce illegal immigration drastically. "Quid Pro Quo's" go on all the time in congress!
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Thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens are getting welfare amongst other public entitlements federal law prohibits them from getting. These violations are being allowed by the "communist democrats" and "libertarian republican rinos" when they gain or collaborate full voting power through both political entities in state and federal congresses and executive branches.
These "communist democrats" were collaborating with and giving the "libertarian republican RINOS" something they badly wanted and vise versa in exchange to kill or ignore some laws concerning illegal aliens. "Libertarian republican RINOS" like their illegal aliens also. Keeping "libertarians" out of elected office would reduce illegal immigration drastically. "Quid Pro Quo's" go on all the time in congress!
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