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Breitbart: Green New Deal Is a Revamped Communist Manifesto

The Communist Democrats are great at coming up with plan names that elicit a good will feeling from the voting public. About half the United States knows these plans of joy are phony but the other half wants these plans to be real so bad they take these phony "communist democrat" plans as real and climb upon their mountain of hope over and over again wanting to believe the plans are true.
In the end these feel good plans the "communist democrats" concoct never match up with the feel good name they are given. Did "Obama" create jobs as he stated? "NO". Did "Obamacare" produce low cost healthcare for everyone, "NO". Was the whole "Obama" presidency just a huge communist democrat power grab, "YES". Were most to all of the plans the democrats came up with during the Clinton and Obama presidencies pointed to communism and failures, "YES".
"Obama" was elected on a mountain of HOPE and outright lies. 75% of the Republican Party did their best to warn United States Citizens of "Barack Obama's" communist tendency's but the mountain of HOPE was to high and "Obama's" failures did not start to show up until long after he was elected for a second term. Why didn't "Hillary" beat "Donald Trump"? "Hillary" failed as "Obama's" HOPE was never realized.
Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton tried steering the United States closer to communism but their failures were huge also. Jimmy Carter crashed the economy so bad Reagan had to give businesses huge tax breaks to reverse the damage. Bill Clinton let floods of illegal aliens into the United States and let banks give them "Home Loans". It took a while for Bill Clinton's plan to fail but in 2008 during the "Bush" presidency the economy came crashing down again because thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens defaulted on their home loans overloading the private financial institutions derivatives market with billions of dollars in bad home loans.
Economic failure after economic failure is what the "communist democrats" keep trying to do and crashing the economy to steer U.S. Citizens towards a communist government dependency is the ending goal. The ultimate goal is "Global Communism" under U.N. control. This "Green New Deal" is just another plan to get people hopeful about a greater way to prosperity and wellness but in reality the "Green New Deal" holds absolutely NO prosperity and only will crash the United States economy once again.
The Republican Party wasn't the greatest after Reagan passed away with the Bush's contaminating the political party with their warped "libertarian" ideology of failure. The now "Tea Party" grew as a political movement in response to the communist threat of "Barack Obama" and the failures of both the democrat and Republican parties. The "Tea Party" came together under the threat of higher communist taxes but moved into the resistance against the failed "Libertarian Republican Rino" leadership in their own party.
The fact of the matter is the "libertarians" are small in numbers but were able to advance large amounts of themselves due to falsehoods and misleading people to get elected into the highest positions of the Republican Party. These "libertarians" are presently being removed during each election cycle so the Republican Party will serve the people instead of serving more failing political ideologies. The only ideology that works is the reality that if U.S. Citizens thrive over "Business, Government and Immigrants" everyone that wants to do OK financially will.
I'll get a boot in my behind by a few "Rino" supporting Republicans for saying this but the "Libertarian Republican Rinos" are also embedded in many Republican news media sources including "Fox News" and big time @ "Fox Business News". For example if "Kennedy" the "Libertarian" devil mouse is given "Harris Faulkner's" seat on "Outnumbered" many words of displeasure will occur because the "libertarians" aided in the rise of "democrat communism" and NO libertarian shall be rewarded. "The Five" is a BURN OUT show now because it's stacked with illegal alien loving libertarian burnouts and a democrat people would like to see toilet dunked. They rotate "Kimberly Guifoyle's" old seat to see which illegal alien loving libertarian burnout is most liked.
Will the remaining "Libertarian Republican Rinos" in congress and our media keep goosestepping with the democrats to destroy our effort to "MAGA"? as they are goosestepping with the democrats now with the "National Border Emergency"
The "Green New Deal" is just a massive plan to give voters a false HOPE so they will put another communist "Obama" into the presidency. In other words, The "Green New Deal" is just a money grab for the "United States Democrat Communist Party". What is happening is the "communist democrats" are killing many things people like to spend their money on so they can tax the hell out of everyone. The "communist democrats" are NOT consumers of products with us being the products they are suppose to serve but instead they are consumers of "CASH", you know, just like the corporations.
Why has the "democrat" party turned into a haven of communists you ask? Well, "the blacks the democrats enslaved keep voting for their past slave holders", "the democrat party base keeps voting for the communist whom constantly crash the economy like they are trying to do now pushing the GREEN NEW DEAL", "the liberal democrats keep voting for communists whom are only out to consume CASH just like the corporations they hate", "the democrat base keeps letting their communist leadership flood the United States with communist immigrants whom are already dependent on government in their home countries as the democrats want U.S. Citizens to be".
The "Green New Deal"? There's no question about what it is.
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