"Tea Party", A Spinoff Political Entity In The Republican Party Of Ross Perot's 1990's Reform Party

The "Republican Party Base" has to start developing a few candidate prospects before "Donald
Trump's" 2 terms are up or we certainly will be plagued by another line up of "Fools, Idiots
And Piss Ass Rinos like the the "16" (Not Including Ben Carson) that "Donald Trump" had to
face off against in the 2015, 2016 presidential primary. Let's Get Ready For 2024.

List Of Presently Known U.S. Citizens Killed By Illegal Aliens

This All Time Mystery Is
Looked AT Realistically &
Only One Conclusion Can Be Drawn.

Could I Have Solved This All Time Mystery
Though Questions I Had?
I'm Sure You Will Be Taken In And Surprised.

I Wanted To Do This Article Since The
Communist Democrats Are Plugging Equality.
I Created This Article To Correct A Social Injustice.

Joe Biden is nobody's president. He was elected by government elites in the State
and Federal governments along with big money liberalism. The lame
idealism of the Rino libertarians in the Republcan Party are equally at fault too.

This is a must read article. It appears Joe Biden maybe
going down this path of war that Obama put into play
to get the United States into full communism

Please join these "Republican Party" social network platforms below

#1 Gettr
Donald Trump's; Gettr "Getting Together"

#2 GAB

#3 Codias

#4 Proamerica

#5 U.S.A. Life

#6 Tea Party

#7 Parler

Republican Social Web Site Ranking List Reasons

It's well known now that President Donald Trump was robbed of his second term in office by the well-maintained Democrat Party voter fraud machine. The Democrat party hangs on to California, New York, Illnois and several other states through this well oiled voter fraud machine and not by voter turnout for their candidates. This Democrat Party voter fraud machine will be activated again in this years 2022 midterm elections all over the United States and this is why the Democrats show no fear of losing The House and Senate completely. The question is will the Rinos in the Republican Party in states that had massive voter fraud happen against Donald Trump let the Communist Democrats do it again?

Monday, July 16, 2018

The Fox News Democrats And Libertarians Keep Trying To Control The United States From A Position Of Failure


The "Never Trump" Crowd Try's To Control From A Position Of Failure

Written By James Allan | 7-16-2018

Oh Marie Harf! I keep hearing you, Chris Wallace, all the libertarian republican rinos on Fox News and Wuan Williams say Donald Trump and us Republicans are not "SUPPORTING" this and that foreign country, then not "SUPPORTING" this and that world leader ally to the U.S. when in truthfulness it's "NOT PAYING FOR THEM ANYMORE". The United States fully supports our allies but the change to "Were Not Going To Pay For Our Allies" liberal welfare states anymore is underway through tariffs and the bringing back of U.S. manufacturing outsourced to cheap foreign labor countries.

I haven't pushed any facts on the Fox News road kill democrats they use to spur the fight sequences that arouse viewer attention but with these outright lye's I may say a thing or two now and again to see Wuan Williams cry in Marie Harf's lap while Marie is sit curled in a corner with Wuan Williams head sandwiched between her legs and belly looking up a Greg Gutfeld who's petting her head while he's holding the sex toy unicorn as he fantasizes often about others he's around and with.

Greg Gutfeld displays tendencies of malfunction to the point he has to use toys for visual effect. Greg Gutfeld preferred toy is the fantasy unicorn which may mean he has constant thoughts of himself with a stretched point riding something. It could just mean Greg was born with the abnormality of a "Pancake".  Why in the world would the management of Fox News let Greg Gutfeld display on national T.V. his sexual flavor through nude men riding unicorns and unicorn sexual toys after all the problems they had with some of their ex prominent news anchors and management being accused of sexual misbehavior with women?


Sheesh! My concentration has been on the Fox News "Libertarian Republican Rinos" but now I may have to batch beat down all the Fox News communist democrats and libertarian republican rinos together but that's OK because they, except for one issue march side by side on all others. Rinos are worse because they hide in the shadows pretending to be something they are not for ratings and to mislead the public into their ideology. The communist democrats just come on out and boldly lye as nobody has lied before knowing enough people will believe what they get fed even when they are growing mildew from rancit poverty.

Take Sean Hannity for instance. He sings the words the Republican Party Base loves to hear but use to swear up and down he was in tune with Geraldo Rivera and all the other "Libertarian Republican Rinos" he gave air time to on his show. Hannity used to brag about how he was best buddies with the managing editor "Rich Lowry" at the National Review who slammed Donald Trump so hard with the publication of the "Against Trump" issue the earth rocked when us "Tea Partiers" started stomping on Sean Hannity's favorite "National Review" magazine.

I don't know what happened to ol Geraldo but I do know that he was getting hammered so bad on the internet Sean Hannity couldn't protect him from loosing air time on Fox News anymore. I know ol Geraldo was put in charge of Fox's new mexican channel that didn't make it and shut down after 6 years. I guess Geraldo didn't have the inside track on what illegal aliens liked to watch. Sean Hannity probably has a Geraldo picture in his little hidden place to celebrate their friendship.

Fox News Latino: Fox News Latino Says Adios


What's also bad is these high pollutant personalities that are "Communist Democrat" and "Libertarian Republican Rino" whom were charged with guiding U.S. Citizens to well being as representatives in the public and private sectors are now after their huge losses feeling the need to "Give Advise" to us and President Donald Trump after they spent 29 years ruining the United States. "NOW THEY WANT TO DO WHAT?"

It's hard to believe and this is stuff you only see in a "Made For T.V. Movie" or on the big screen starring hoards of "Hollywood Communist Democrats" but it's real. These personalities are using the wording of, "Republicans Won't Support Our Foreign Ally's" when the reality is, "Republicans Won't Pay For Our Foreign Ally's". The "Libertarian Republican Rinos" and "Progressive Communist Democrats" flooded the U.S. with millions of unnecessary immigrants that is destructive to the economic well being of U.S. Citizens, installed useless social programs based on being mental and personality solutions, started a war with each other over what kind of ideology government (communism or business controlled) to be forced on U.S. Citizens that without a doubt would be failures and now they want to control us from a position of "Failure"?.

The main reason Donald Trump and the Republican Party are going to stop paying or our allies is because they are all "Liberals" that have created their "Welfare States" that the United States is paying for. "YES", European, Canadian, Mexican and other foreign countries stink'in welfare states are being paid for by losses the United States is taking year after year. The United States is taking the biggest loss from China but Europe, Canada and Mexico combined are just as big losses for the United States as China.

The reality and truth is these foreign countries created their welfare states that are funded by the United States taxpayers. Yes, U.S. taxpayers work hard and create an economy not for themselves but only to fund the foreign countries that are "Welfare States".  The "Progressive Communist Democrats" and "Libertarian Republican Rinos" instead of correcting this atrocity on U.S. Citizens decided among themselves that they could find personal value and gain in the United States, "BEING THE WELFARE OFFICE FOR THE WORLD" and are still through failure trying to do this to U.S. Citizens.

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