Opinion Written In Response To Article Posted On
PC Mag: Are Social Media Platforms Politically Biased?

Sure, I've been looking for a popular social media networking site for Republicans and so far there's nothing to be had. There's a few Republican sites but they are small and have little problems in script performance and posting issues that never get solved. If your gonna do a site you need great script and the cash to pay at least 2 techs to deal with problems. A site owner can use a host like "Ning" but I've been on sites that use "Ning" and you can't block people. A dedicated site for Republicans should have management remove non Republicans if no blocking function is available.
Many popular old sites like "Tea Party Patriots", "Freedom Works" and "Tea Party Community" are NOT Republican web sites even though many Republicans are duped into frequenting these sites by the thought they are Republican run sites. These sites are run by the "Libertarian Party" whom are FAKE conservatives wanting your donations to finance "libertarian" candidates running under the Republican Party banner.
"Google Plus" is gone now because of their own incompetence with security of the site. In a huge speculation they most likely hired a democrat hacker and he/she broke into "Google Plus" then sold the "Hack" to others who made private visits. "Google" and security are seen as one so I'm wondering how the breeches in "Google Plus" happened. I liked "Google Plus" and even though they never got to that point of being a challenge to "Facebook" interactions and politicking were there. No way no how would "Google Plus" ever become a Republican web site but the contacts like on "Facebook" were there.
I was a member of a new Republican web site called, "Trump Town" but this last time I visited them the name was changed to "Mumblit" which sounds like a town in Africa. I was signed up as a member of "Trump Town" and now this thing called "Mumblit" wants me to re-register so I went looking elsewhere to find Republicans and have no ambition to be a member of "Mumblit".
There's a small site for Republicans called "Pro America" that caters to "Donald Trump" Republicans but they get script errors. "Pro America" has all the bells and whistles you'd expect but nothing like Facebook. Plenty of people on this site to interact with but membership is still small. I friended many people and only got a little over 190 friends in about a year.
Right now I'm exploring a Republican social networking site called, "Codias " which has been around for a few years. I'm telling you I took several hours to friend (Codias Called Friending Allies) people and the next day I had over 600 allies and it's still building. The "accept your connections" are coming a little slower after 24 hours but they are still happening. The issue with "Codias" is they don't have, groups, pages, private messaging and lack many user functions like blocking. "Codias" is just "friending" and posting on news feeds and timelines right now. The one thing I do really like about this site is the script is FAST and loads links really quick. The negative is the text is all set in light grey and tiny. The text needs to be darkened up and enlarged so people don't have to squint to read.
Donald Trump Jr. was calling for Republicans to build their own social media network that would rival "Facebook" in Sept. of 2018. Don Jr. was pushing us towards "Infinity Social Network" and it seems these people were building it but the script was bad and it fell flat on its face. The "Infinity Social Network" was suppose to be up and running in early 2019 but no sign or word of it yet. It's good that "Don Jr." is doing this for us but he needs to evaluate the "Bad Management And Bad Script" these people at "Infinity Social Network" are about first. I do give Kudos to "Infinity Social Network" for not putting their crap out on the internet for us. I guess that would be on the side of decent management but messing with and trying to fix bad script is bone headed.
Other than the "Republican Social Media" web sites I've listed here there's not anything else coming up in my research and searching that holds anything close to Facebook popularity. All the popular, well, the popular Facebook owned sites are the only game in town that consumes peoples attention. People spend years building their reputations through likes and interactions then after they are settled in it's hard for them to pull away. If a large part of the "Republican Party Base" could all settle into a site that has good management and script the rest would come to start building their presence, friends and likes.
Hey "Don Trump Jr.", "Codias" is looking pretty good so maybe you could give them a look and possible endorsement with some cash so they can expand their script. The site would go wild with your endorsement. "Codias" needs to provide groups, pages and more functions like private messaging and blocking but their script appears to be great and there's no sign of liberal moderators who work in a corporate management plant out of Thailand and want us to shut up about communism, sharia law and immigration.
Oh yeah, Codias is the plural for "Codia" which is, "Breadcrust" or a species of "Trees and Shrubs". Kinda makes you think. Also "Codias" is a surname popular in Italy. I myself really would like "Codias" to mean the species of "Tree".
Tea Party Main Street
Yet, mumblit.com ended up being the best of the bunch for me.