Opinion Written In Response To Article Posted On
Foreign Policy: What A Second American Civil War Might Look Like

First of all the military is suppose to side with the people but if a civil war broke out as in 1861 which side would the military side with? Back in 1861 both the North and South had their own military's. The United States Constitution says only the Federal Government can raise an army but the combination of all the southern slave states had their own army. The Northern army was indeed controlled by the then Federal Government so all was in order with the United States Constitution. The Southern states were out of order with the United States Constitution and how this was able to exist without the Federal Government knowing is beyond me.
Raising a fully functioning army doesn't happen over night. The South suppositly raised their army against the North starting in February of 1861 and attacked Fort Sumter in April of 1861. In two short months history is telling us that the South raised and outfitted a big enough army to attack the North and drive the established Northern army back deep into Pennsylvania. I'm not convinced the South raised their army in two months. My realistic opinion is that the South started to raise their own army long before February of 1861 under the noses of the North. So if I'm correct how did the North not know this Southern army was being raised? The Southern army was well disciplined, armed with outstanding leadership that made the Union leadership look like military cadets.
So if a civil war broke out now in this day and age how would it look? Of course it would be between the democrats and the Republicans. Back in 1861 it was the democrats and the Republicans too. The Whigs and other smaller political parties turned into the Republican Party in 1854 as a protest against the expansion of slavery by the democrat party.
The military by law has to side with the people over the government so if the people are fighting each other how could the military make a choice as to which political group of people to side with? My own feeling is the military would side with the political group who had the most people inserted into the leadership of the military by the elected government in power before the start of the modern day civil war. The army may split into separate factions also. The last I heard the military was comprised of 40% democrats and 60% Republicans. Massive defections in the military to their own political parties most likely would be the occurrence but the communist democrats would still need an army built outside of the military until the military split.
Just like in the civil war already fought in 1861 the democrats would be beaten badly with no doubt if the Republican Party leadership was better than the Union leadership in the first half of the 1861 "Civil War". When the 1st "Civil War" broke out the Union army leadership was extremely bad and Lincoln had to resort to firing and hiring generals until he found generals that got the job done.
Except for a few democrat soldiers I personally am of the thought that most of the 40% of the democrats in the U.S. military are in support positions and not in actual combat. I have heard of many democrats that have been in combat roles but the few that have are hyped by the media for votes. Democrats detest the military and only join because it leads to getting better jobs in the private sector. Democrats would only have to underachieve in the military and be transferred to non combat roles. My opinion of the democrats ever winning a civil war today is they would all run to Canada, NOT mexico, just Canada. Back in 1861 the democrats had manly qualities but today the democrats are all feminine and the democrat women have no men with manly qualities to defend them.
The Republican leadership should without a doubt look for any activity with militias that support communist democrat values whom are being prepared to advance anti U.S. Constitutional warfare. Most of the militias already formed are supportive of the U.S. Constitution but many communist democrat militias indeed are being readied for action against the U.S. Constitution.
Many reports advance the knowledge that muslim militias in the U.S. are being trained for action against the recognized U.S. government of Republicans. I do not discount these claims with the democrats openly supporting open borders and unchecked immigration across our borders. Are many anti U.S. militia foreigners being let into the U.S. to establish themselves for an up and coming take down of the U.S. Constitution.
Are the "communist democrats" ready to go to the end using foreign illegal immigrant soldiers to install their ideology of a perfect world that in reality will never be as perfect as they aren't if their campaigns to fool U.S. Citizens fail? In the communist democrat mind perfection is what they believe are themselves as failures to no end make up a trail of extreme poverty produced through who they really are.
The "communist democrats" need an army of today just like the 1861 democrats needed a standing army to attack the Northern army of yesterday. Today's democrats have developed creative ways of voter fraud which sustains them for now. As the Republicans wake up and catch on to the ways of "communist democrat" voter fraud the last resort of the communist democrats is a violent "communist democrat" army that will have to be utilized as has been demonstrated to be correct through black U.S. Citizens burning down their towns and the fact that when illegal aliens protest their deportations in huge rallies crime is proven to go down drastically.
Venezuela is the "Today's" example of a communist government that was elected through massive voter fraud by a political party that stacked the government bureaucrat positions with communist activists in a past "Free Republic" political system. The fraudulent Venezuela communist government ordered "All Guns" be confiscated from citizens and like corralled animals the citizens of Venezuela surrendered their guns and ammunition to their new communist government. Now the citizens of Venezuela wish they had not done what they should not have let happen in the first place.
Are the "communist U.S. democrats" trying to build an army of immigrants to be activated in the event of total removal of communism? Are all the muslim training camps being allowed to exist part of the new "communist U.S. democrat" army? What other "Left Wing Communist War Camps" exist that U.S. Citizens have not found out about yet. Are the "communist U.S. democrats" going to launch a "Pearl Harbor" type surprise attack on U.S. Citizens if they can't destroy the U.S. Constitution to install "Communism"?
U.S. Citizen army units of "Black Panther" soldiers that are added to muslim and immigrant extremists given marching orders to attack the "White People" ALL communist democrats have been openly in the news trying to destroy? What about all the "White" liberal students that protest guns but will have to take up arms to kill "White People"? Will whooped up blacks and immigrants turn on their "Liberal Comrades" to make the "White" extinction complete?
Of course many people will perish if another "U.S. Civil War" breaks out but again as the "democrats" started the previous "Civil War" to keep the black slaves they still own to this day they will lose the modern day "Civil War" also that will free the modern day black slaves who will most likely run back to their democrat keepers as they did in the past.
"COMMUNISM" will NEVER be an option of government for the "Republican Party Base". The "Libertarian Republican Rinos" want "Business Communism" but that ideology is being destroyed without a physical war. If the "communist U.S. democrat" party wants to make "Communism" the government of the "United States" they will have to start another "Civil War" to get it. The "communist democrats" almost got their communism installed because of "Libertarian Republican Rinos" that are as lame as the democrats in which they originally came from.
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